
# of outdoor activities even in winter

For some of us that don’t live in areas where it snows, it’s hard to get really excited about the snow. All winter we spend a day, a weekend, if we’re lucky a week. So we have very little time to get excited about. When the time comes to get ready for the snow, oh boy do we get excited. Planning everything we are going to do. That’s the time when it really gets exciting. You see, I love the snow. So I always look forward to this time of the year. Love getting ready for it. It’s hard trying to decide what to do out there because there are so many things to do. So what to do.

Ok so writing down my list of what we will be doing out there. I know for sure I’ll take my snow sled, that’s a must. I got my football ready. Me and my dad usually play catch so I can’t forget my baseball glove. Have to take a few puzzles and board games. Of Course while we were there we have to play in the snow. We usually have a few snow ball fights. One of my favorite things that we do while we’re out in the snow is our snowman contest. It’s the boys against the girls and me and my dad always win. One day, I have no idea when but we’ll give the girls a chance to win. Just so they could know how good it feels to win. I’ll have to talk to my dad about that though. He is very competitive and hates to lose. Especially to my mother. I have no idea why but he hates losing to her. You should see how bad they go at it when we have our snowball fights. I think it’s funny, and yes, they love each other. There’s just always been this competition with them since I could remember. climbing frames is also good for outdoor activities for kids that make your kids active physically

This year my snow time will be a whole week long. I’m so looking forward to it. I’m so excited. For a whole week I’ll have my snow days. I’m so fortunate that my family takes us to the snow every year. I could already taste the delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows that my mom makes. I’m honestly really looking forward to everything.

Well I think I’m ready for our trip. I hope I dont forget anything. There are always other things we can do in the snow. One time we built this amazing fort. It was made entirely of snow. An amazing creation I might say. My family and I always find ways to have fun. I guess you can say we’re a fun family. 

So my seven snow days hopefully come quickly. Seven days, I can’t wait. We usually just stay five days so it’s going to be great. I hope we have enough activities planned for our entire trip. Maybe I should think of something else. Nah, I think we’re good. There’s already enough activities on our list. Now comes the hard part. Having to wait for my seven snow days to come so that I can try all the activities we have planned. Wish me luck, God bless!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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