Drinking Water

IV Hydration Vs Drinking Water

The feeling of self-achievement that you get after spending a good 20 minutes on the treadmill is unmatchable. But you have lost something very very precious in the course!

The sweat that dripped from your cheeks and forehead is proof of your hard work and a guarantee of ripped abs and toned legs. But the liquid contains the immensely important chemical i.e. WATER!!! Or as Bruce Lee calls it “WAAT-HAAAAAA”.

In our school days, we learned “Water, water, everywhere water”. This slogan is very accurate as water is the only component that surrounds mankind. Our very haven consists of more than 70% of water. Not only the planet that we walk on is made up of water rather our own being is also submerged in this liquid for life. 

Your body (on average) is 60% water. Nature has kept this fluid so abundantly inside the human body because of the multiple roles it plays. Water is critical for your body because it performs the following crucial functions:

  1. It is ultimate for thermoregulation i.e. maintenance of body temperature.
  2. Cushions and protects your organs against physical injuries.
  3. Lubricates the joints.
  4. Moistens the airway passages, oral cavity, and eyes.
  5. Carries nutrients (in the blood) to different cells of the body.
  6. Is used to flush out waste products via the kidneys. 
  7. Aids in dissolution and reabsorption of minerals from the intestines. 

Life is impossible without water. The working of the human body is such that it loses water on a regular basis. You lose water in the form of sweat to cool down the body. While getting rid of the harmful wastes, your body loses precious water in the form of urine too. 

Small amounts of water are also lost through your breath and bowel movements. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish your water reserves. But! Can just drinking water cope with your hydration needs?

IV Hydration Therapy: The Better Way To Hydrate

Intravenous hydration therapy is a cool way to get hydrated (or rehydrated in case you lost most of your water). Sometimes drinking isn’t enough. There are many reasons to move towards intravenous hydration therapy. If you want to learn more about IV therapy, you can reach out to Elevated Concierge.

Mobile IV drip therapy

Composition Of IV Hydration

As already mentioned, IV therapy is a safe and easy procedure to administer fluids and vitamins into the body intravenously (through a vein). Different substances may be part of the IV bag depending on the requirement. The most common components of an IV bag are discussed below:

Normal Saline 

Normal saline is a combination of water and table salt (sodium chloride) used to hydrate the body.

Dextrose Solution

Dextrose is a sugar that is pretty beneficial for the body. It is given in cases where normalization of low sugar levels is required.


You can also find vitamins (B complex and C) in the IV solution. This solution kickstarts your immune system, boosts mental health, and increases the antioxidant capacity of the body. 

Minerals And Antioxidants

Essential minerals such as Magnesium and Calcium are also added to the IV solution in the majority of the cases. Calcium promotes bone and teeth growth while magnesium combats inflammation and upgrades cognition. 

How Is Hydration Therapy Better Than Just Drinking Water?

  1. More Efficient 

Dehydration can drain all the energy and nutrients leaving behind a fatigued and energyless body. Curing dehydration should be quick and efficient. Most people resort to drinking copious amounts of water in an attempt to counter dehydration. However, this maneuver is not an efficient way of treatment.

A lot of water is lost to the tissues of the throat and gut in the act of drinking, thereby, resulting in lesser amounts being available in the blood and the rest of the body tissues. Hydration therapy administers fluids directly into the bloodstream. The rushing blood efficiently delivers the fluid to the areas that need them the most. Research shows that ultrarapid IV hydration is very efficacious in managing patients and improving emergency department throughput time. 

  1. Faster Effect

Hydrating by drinking water takes hours before the consumed water becomes part of the flowing blood. This is because the water has to pass through a series of organs (stomach, small intestines, large intestines) before it enters the blood vessels. 

On the other hand, during an IV fluid infusion, the fluid is injected directly into the veins, and therefore, you can start feeling better earlier than with a simple glass of water. 

  1. Ideal For Those Who Can’t Drink Water 

A lot of people worldwide report having a nauseating feeling after drinking large amounts of water or after consuming alcohol. For such individuals, hydration is tough and the only way out is IV hydration therapy. 

Nausea and vomiting are unavoidable and make all your efforts of rehydrating go in vain. Gastric patients (such as that suffering from GERD) also feel nauseated when loading up their mouths with water. IV therapy can rescue all such individuals because it can restore the lost volume and electrolytes. 

The fluids given via a vein do not pass through the gastrointestinal tract and therefore, do not cause nausea even when given in large amounts and at rapid speeds. Thus, IV therapy has the superior hand here.

  1. Additional Supplements Can Be Given Efficaciously 

Drinking water might relieve your thirst but does not guarantee a complete solution to dehydration. The process of dehydration is not only characterized by a loss of fluid but also electrolytes and minerals. 

IV hydration therapy is an intelligent way of adding minerals and supplements to the body. Oral rehydration salts are frequently used in cases of dehydration but that procedure is no way near to IV rehydration in efficacy.

Trace elements such as (magnesium, potassium, and calcium, etc.) are necessary for treating dehydration. IV therapy is the ideal way of delivery. In addition to minerals, IV hydration therapy can be utilized to administer different supplements including:

  • Antibiotics 
  • Vitamins 
  • Antioxidants 
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs 

Who Needs IV Hydration?

IV hydration is a safe and convenient strategy for all but this type of therapy is pretty beneficial in the following cases:

  1. Cold/Flu 

IV hydration is recommended to patients suffering from common cold and flu. Doctors advise flu patients to take rest and keep themselves hydrated. As oral hydration can not meet the needs effectively, a cold and flu IV drip can rehydrate you while boosting the immune system. 

  1. Morning Sickness

A vast majority of pregnant women experience morning sickness which makes drinking water a big ask for them. Therefore, expecting mothers can take advantage of IV hydration therapy to keep themselves hydrated even with morning sickness.

  1. Hangover 

Partying hard means lots of booze that might land you in trouble. Excessive consumption of alcohol can give you headaches and disrupt the digestive system as well. Individuals suffering from hangovers find it difficult to chug a glass of water to get rid of the awful feeling.

Mobile IV Hydration therapy

For such blokes, hydration therapy consisting of vitamins is the way to go. IV hydration rehydrates the body, replenishes the energy reserves, and helps you get rid of symptoms such as headache, nausea, and heartburn.

  1. Headaches 

Migraine and other headaches can be debilitating. There seems to be no way to relieve these pains in the head. However, in some cases, cluster headache or a migraine attack is the result of dehydration. Studies suggest that IV hydration can be used to subside symptoms of a headache.

For managing migraine and cluster headaches, the IV bag is filled with vitamins and medications to help mitigate inflammation and pain. 

  1. Athletic Performance Recovery

Athletes spend long hours on the field working on their performance. This hectic ordeal means a cascade of flowing sweat that eventually leads to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Dehydration in athletes means sore/painful muscles, an increased propensity for muscle cramps, and significant loss of energy.

Professional players and athletes can take advantage of hydration therapy. Getting an IV drip following an exercise session can help players boost energy and performance. IV fluid hydration has shown promising results in carrying euhydration among athletes. 

You can effectively pump vitamins, and antioxidants to boost muscle performance and reduce inflammation/pain.

Benefits Of IV Hydration

There are immense benefits of IV hydration, some of which are mentioned below:

Faster Recovery 

A tiring day can have a direct impact on your power and mood. People involved in physical activities continuously suffer from lethargic bodies, fatigue, and physical injuries. Such individuals require long periods of rest to recover from the trauma given to their bodies.

This rest period can be cut short with the help of IV hydration because of the rapid availability of minerals and nutrients required for recovery.

Cleanses The Body

Hydration via intravenous path enhances the flushing system of the body, especially in dehydrated adults. IV hydration therapy empowers and improves the efficiency of the liver and the kidneys. The quick delivery of fluids to the vital organs allows rapid and complete flushing out of toxic wastes from the body. 

Bone And Joint Health 

As water makes an important component of the fluid in the joints, good hydration would mean better movement and lesser friction between moving bones. Therefore, IV hydration can keep your joints safe from fractionating and wearing out.


IV hydration therapy is superior to just drinking water. It allows rapid and efficient delivery of fluids to the dehydrated body. The therapy is ideal for individuals suffering from nauseating feelings, and hangovers. Additional supplements (minerals and vitamins) can also be added to the IV system to boost athletic recovery and combat cold and flu.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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