Betta Fish

Do Bettas Need Sunlight? – The Truth About Lighting for Betta Fish

Betta fish are a tropical species and require access to a consistent temperature, humidity and level of dissolved oxygen. These factors are easily compromised in a home aquarium, so Bettas need to be kept in an aquarium that provides them with the proper conditions.

The demand for natural lighting in an aquarium has led to a surge in the number of home aquaria housing Betta fish. Due to their sensitivity to low levels of light, Betta fish require a level of care that is not common in the average household. In this article, we discuss what lighting is required for Betta fish, click here.

What Is Lighting Required For Betta Fish?

Betta fish are a tropical species and require access to a consistent temperature, humidity and level of dissolved oxygen. These factors are easily compromised in a home aquarium, so Bettas need to be kept in an aquarium that provides them with the proper conditions.

In an aquascape with tall plants or floating plants, Bettas do not need light. In aquaria that house Bettas in taller tanks where light is needed for plant growth because the plants are below 2-3 inches from the water’s surface, lighting needs must be provided for Betta fish.

Lighting can be provided by incandescent bulbs, fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), metal halide lights or LEDs. It is important to note that any form of light should ideally provide both UV-A and UV-B rays to ensure your Betta fish will be healthy.

How to Provide Lighting for Betta Fish?

There are many ways to provide lighting for bettas in your aquarium and some options are better than others. The best options are ones that will provide a consistent level of light to the entire tank, and not just the surface.

Incandescent lights should be avoided as they produce too much heat and can burn your Bettas if they come in direct contact with them. However, incandescent bulbs can be used if you create a hood that keeps the fish from coming in direct contact with the bulb.

Fluorescent bulbs or CFLs can be used for neat lighting, but it is important to make sure that there is no point source of light where it could cause a burn on your Betta fish. This can happen if there is a hole in the hood where the light is shining through or if there is a crack in the glass where the light shines through. These types of lights also produce too much heat so they should not be used as your only source of lighting.

LED lighting is one of the best options for your Betta fish tank. They are efficient, produce very little heat, and are available in many different color temperatures. While they do not produce as much light as other bulbs, they use less energy and can be used for more than just your Betta fish tank.

LED lights are designed to be placed on the top of your aquarium, but you can also place them on the side or back of the aquarium if you prefer. However, there should not be any direct light shining into the water as this can cause a burn on your Betta fish. LED lights can also be used to create a night cycle in your tank so that you can bring out some of the more colorful varieties that do better with darker conditions.

Pros and Cons of Lighting for Betta Fish

Betta fish require a level of care that is not common in the average household. The demand for natural lighting in an aquarium has led to a surge in the number of home aquaria housing Betta fish.

There are many benefits to providing Bettas with natural light. One benefit is that they require an environment that mimics their natural habitat. This can be done by using a light cycle similar to what they would experience in their native habitat or by sealing off one side of the tank so it gets indirect sunlight.

A major drawback to using natural light is that it can lead to algae growth if you’re not careful. Furthermore, if your aquarium does not have a cover, other fish may enter and eat your Bettas’ food or attack them. If you are considering keeping Bettas outdoors on a balcony or terrace, remember that they need access to water as well as air during the nighttime hours when temperatures drop below 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius).


Lighting is a crucial component of a betta fish’s tank. Without it, they will not be able to live up to their full potential. Understanding the different types of lighting that are available and the pros and cons of each will help you choose the right lighting for your fish.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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