Hiring Electrical Services for Your Business

5 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Hiring Electrical Services for Your Business

Hiring commercial electrical services can be expensive. As an important investment to make, you have to ensure the team you get is legit and can give you the best bang for your buck.

However, finding the right electricians is not easy. Truth is, there are a lot of people out there claiming to be the best, but in fact, they cannot deliver what they promise. Now, hiring them by mistake could place your business at risk. Not only that you could become a victim of a scam, but you could be in for an accident that is just waiting to happen.

As you can see, faulty electrical systems are among the main causes of business fires in Australia. So, if you want to keep these unfavourable situations at bay, you should only hire a proficient electrical contractor. One way to weed out the bad ones is by looking at some red flags.      

Warning Signs of a Bad Commercial Electrical Service

When hiring an electrical contractor for your business, it is crucial to cover all the bases and make some important considerations. Aside from the top qualities such a company should have, you can also try to spot some warning signs. Here are things that you should pay attention to during the hiring process.

1. Unclear Contract

Having a clear contract with an electrical company is an important step before allowing them to commence any work for your business. Everything involved in your project should be stipulated in detail. These include a comprehensive description of the project, a management strategy, a timeline, a budget, and a payment method.

If you see that the contract is not precise, then feel free to move on with your search.   

2. Too Much Eagerness to Close the Contract

Trusted electrical services Brisbane has today would not rush you into signing a contract. In fact, they will give you more time to read it carefully, so you will know the terms and conditions associated with their work.

A contractor who pressures you into signing a contract immediately could mean that there is something in there that they do not want you to know.    

3. Too-High Upfront Cost

A contractor who asks you a great deal of down payment should not be trusted, let alone one who asks for full payment. And, this does not make sense considering that commercial electricians are paid on a per hour basis.

Along with a very high upfront cost, an estimate that is too low is also questionable. If it is way lower than other contractor quotes, then there could be an underlying reason. Perhaps, they are not experienced in project estimation or could be using low-quality materials.

4. Lack of References

A good electrical company should already have an existing portfolio of projects for previous and existing clients. So, when assessing a commercial electrician Qld has to offer, for example, you can use this document for references.

A contractor without a portfolio would mean inexperience, which is a negative indicator when hiring them.

5. Absence of a Licence and Insurance

Never hire an electrician who does not have any licence or certification that allows them to perform their job. This will risk your establishment having sub-standard systems. Not only will this lead to hefty fines due to building code violations, but it will also put you at risk of fire accidents.

Aside from a license, an insurance policy is also important. This protects you from financial obligations due to injuries and damages while your project is underway.  

How to Find the Right Electricians for Your Business


The best way to find legitimate electrical services in Australia is by visiting resources dedicated to such trade. A good example of these websites is Licensed Trades. Here, you can search contractors by category and confirm their licensing information.

As per https://factoryextreme.com/ another way to collect valuable information is by seeking referrals. For example, you can ask other business owners in your network about the electricians they hired for their establishments. If they have nothing but good feedback on their work, then that contractor should be a good option to hire.

Of course, you can read reviews. You can also check out the company’s website itself (a reputable electrical company should have one) to find client testimonials.    

What If You Have Hired the Wrong Contractor?

Nobody is perfect, and each of us is prone to committing mistakes. So, if you have hired the wrong commercial electrician—whether they did not complete your project or finished it, though so poorly—you have the legal right to take action against the company.

However, cases involving work contracts can get complicated in the long run. So, you should have an experienced contract lawyer by your side. Not only will they offer valuable advice, but they will also represent you in court in the best way possible to achieve your desired outcome and compensation.


Determining the bad ones from a huge pool of contractors can be quite tricky. But you can make things easier by keeping some important red flags in mind.

Do your due diligence in the hiring process, and you should be good on your way to finding the right electrical services that can complete all your projects in the most efficient manner.

For more tips and information that you can use in managing and growing your business, read the other articles on our site!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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