Why Buy Gourmet Coffee Beans?

Let’s just ignore the fact that gourmet coffee beans are expensive because we all know that most products that have a higher price mean it has better quality. We will talk more about the specific qualities that gourmet coffee beans possess, which is why I prefer you to buy one. Also, you will learn about the different types of gourmet coffee beans available in the market. So, let’s get started right away:

Why Buy Gourmet Coffee Beans?

To make it simple, gourmet coffee beans mean the rare, higher-quality coffee that coffee enthusiasts see as reasons for them to travel the world and visit the places where these locally grow. After all, getting such exquisite coffee outside the country where they grew can cost a lot! That’s why there are rarer coffee beans that are regarded as luxury items that you can get for hundreds or thousands of bucks for just a few cups. Nonetheless, here are the specific reasons why it’s highly recommended to experience the wonders of gourmet coffee:

Quality Is All About Flavor

Coffee is not just generally bitter in flavor. If that’s the case, gourmet coffee will never exist, and there would be no variant of coffee that has its distinctive properties. Take note that there are qualities of coffee that define its aroma, and give off either sweetness or bitterness. There are also types of coffee beans that might have a kick into it or might taste fruity. Good quality coffee bean flavor can also be spotted by the color of the coffee once it’s been processed in the coffee maker. If the coffee is pale, then you do not have gourmet coffee beans, as the taste itself is surely as bland as its color.

The Effort Placed In Harvesting It

One of the reasons why gourmet coffee can get pricey is because of the way these are treated. First, exported gourmet coffee tends to get pricey because it is exclusively cultivated in the country where it came from, as the altitude and climate of the coffee bean farms there are perfect for maximizing the quality of the gourmet coffee bean in question. It’s like taking care of a well-bred pet. The Arabica coffee beans are a perfect example of gourmet coffee beans that requires a lot of caring for the plant to harvest good beans.

The Background Of Each Coffee

For coffee enthusiasts, they tend to look for the story behind how the coffee was harvested, discovered, and how important its value is to the people living in the areas where these are locally grown. Each coffee has a story, such as the Ethiopian coffee which was discovered by a goat farmer, and eventually became the starting point of coffee’s worldwide reputation. There are a lot of stories that each coffee bean can tell, as it comes in different forms that made it distinctive enough to gain its name. 

The Trading Process

Since most of the gourmet coffee beans can only be harvested in remote areas in specific countries only, and cannot be bred all over the world, the trading process gets to involve a lot of costs. That’s why coffee enthusiasts prefer to visit the place where the coffee beans are locally grown, so then they can get a taste of that exquisite flavor for a price that’s more affordable compared when bought outside the country, or even just out of the remote region where it is grown. 

Types of Gourmet Coffee Beans

Now that you know the reasons why gourmet coffee beans are must-haves, it’s time for you to know what are the names of these coffee beans:


Arabica is one of the finest coffee beans that you can ever get and is quite popular across the world. See which countries product coffee beans. Arabica coffee beans are widely exported, yet expected to have a high price due to the costs in taking care of it. First of all, the climate and altitude of the location where these must be grown must be the same as most places in South America. Arabica coffee is well-loved by a lot because of its sweet flavor.

Read more about the difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee.

Blue Mountain Coffee

For a rarer type of coffee, Blue Mountain coffee is one of the best types to try. These coffee beans have a well-balanced flavor that gives a decent amount of caffeine to keep you energized. This is only located in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica and is often sold at a high price.

Harrar Coffee

Harrar coffee is a type of Ethiopian coffee beans is perfect for coffee enthusiasts because of the rarity of this product, and because it is found in remote locations in Ethiopia. Another reason why it’s also perfect for coffee lovers is because of its unique flavor, where some variants of the Harrar coffee bean have a fruity or spicy flavor, depending on the conditions met when the plant was grown. 

Read more about Ethiopian coffee beans.

For sure there are more gourmet coffee types to try out since coffee is known to have a wide variety that made each one of them special, and even pricey in the market due to the rarity of some. But the ones above are the best to try out and are the most popular in the whole world as well. So what are you waiting for? Gourmet coffee beans are just around the market, and even online. That’s why you should try it out now!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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