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What is the Difference Between Working in Big Vs Small Organizations?

Choosing whether to join a big company or a small startup is a very important decision as your career is at stake here. In this era, some of the very best startup ideas have emerged and gained huge success. And perhaps, as long as you work with the best business ideas in the market, the size of the company doesn’t matter.

So, working for small and big companies, both have their pros and cons. While a large company might provide you with security and resources, a small company can levy much more responsibility on your shoulders.

Let discuss the difference between working in big and small companies to get a better understanding of both.

Points of Difference between Working in Big Vs Small Organizations

1.     Getting Hired

Landing a job at a startup or a small company is relatively easier than in a big company. This is because large organizations usually have a lineup of several rounds of interviews before they hire you. On the other hand, small companies have a quicker hiring process. So, you save your time and energy there.

2.     Creativity

Big organizations don’t give much room to out of the box ideas. They have become less open to creativity because they don’t want to take risks. This caution does help with stability but it also means that there isn’t much flexibility in working with larger companies.

On the other hand, smaller companies encourage creativity and embrace modifications with open arms. So, a creative person is more likely to shine in such a setting. They easily offer work from home jobs which will help to reduce your traveling time and expenses.

3.     Resources

Large companies can offer their employees more because they have abundant resources. So, you will get higher salaries here. Moreover, big companies also help you with training so that you grow and learn better skills.

With small companies, the scenario is completely different. They tend to earn less revenue and so, they have less cash and resources to support the company. Fewer resources translate to less income and less support from the company. Even the software and technology used might be older.

4.     Progress

One of the cons of working in a big company is that it might not be easy to get ahead. Hard work is not enough and opportunities for promotion do not come easily. There will be competition all around you.

But, with a small startup, opportunities are plenty. And you are most likely to get ahead if you work hard in the company.

5.     Your Position in the Company

In a small company, you will be considered as an important part and an asset. But, in a larger corporation, you are just a number. It’s harder to be valued as a person in a larger organization. Also, you wouldn’t feel like your contribution is counted in a big company.

On the other hand, if you join a small company based on one of the best startup business ideas, then you will be an irreplaceable part of your organization.

6.     Stability

In the current economical setup, the big companies are generally stable and won’t disappear overnight. Also, your job position will be comparatively more secure in a large company. You will receive better facilities as well.

On the other hand, small companies might have a problem paying you at times of crisis. While this is not a thumb rule and might not happen always, still it’s better to keep in mind.

7.     Responsibility

You will hold a lot more responsibility in a smaller organization than you would in a bigger company. Moreover, you will get the opportunity to participate in several other aspects of a smaller company. This will teach you a wide range of skills that will prepare you for higher roles. Besides, you will also get the chance to work in close association with the company’s leaders.

Final Verdict

While the world is looking for the best business ideas to launch more and more startups, we have to wonder if the hype is worth it or not. Startups and small organizations do provide a lot of flexibility and responsibility to take up.

But, they don’t provide the much-needed security and other benefits of large organizations. So, you have to decide according to your needs and risk-taking ability.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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