What is Software as a Service (SaaS): A Beginner’s Guide

Once upon a time, in the “dark ages”, information and programs were stored on floppy disks and disks. They were difficult to obtain and even more difficult to handle. And when these technical treasures ended up in the hands of the user you needed a friend who could “cram” these things into your computer for a nominal fee. The only problem is that these “computer geniuses”, often almost sticks stuck programs which later run very crooked and difficult. And everyone’s main fear was the phrase: ‘What if the computer breaks?’ Well, for example, the hard drive will burn out. And that’s the end, because the information could not be recovered. All this horror haunted the user before the advent of SaaS. You can find everything about it at saas design agency. And in this article we will explain what SaaS is and why you need it. 

What is SaaS?

SaaS is software as a service. This option is a business solution that removes the need to install hardware and software. That is, you are no longer tied to a PC. Business software is now available online. And it doesn’t matter if you work with it via your laptop, smartphone or tablet. This solution does not require installation on a stationary medium. Thus, your program is stored in the cloud and everyone who has login passwords can use it. SaaS applications and programs can be stored both on a third-party cloud and on your own, created specifically for them. SaaS technology is often used in catering, shipping companies, and so on. Any calendars, organizers, CRM and ERP systems for project management, email and even a simple google drive are also SaaS. 

Features of the SaaS Model

Obviously, the SaaS model is chosen because of its flexible availability, relative low cost and productivity. But, the question remains, “Why is this the case?” Let’s break it down:

  • Using SaaS, you won’t have anything tangible (installation files, filing cabinets, document files) on your computer. It will all be stored on a server that can be accessed through a browser anywhere in the world. 
  • Payment is based on a renewable subscription. As, for example, in Lightroom. You pay for a month of use. For this period, you are given storage with all your projects and photo editing tools. Since, all of this requires no file installations, the process is cheap.
  • And the tastiest thing in my opinion is the customer care. All issues related to this problem are taken care of by the party providing the service. You can forget about inviting “computer guys” when in the middle of the work process, the whole system went haywire. In addition, the service provider is also responsible for updates and support. In other words, the whole technical side is no longer your problem. 

Strong Sides of SaaS

More often than not, once you buy the software, you are left alone with it. All the other questions, problems that arise, and so on are not the concern of the seller. In the SaaS option, you get 24/7 support. Also, unlike standard software, SaaS is safer to use because it is handled by professionals. In addition to the cost savings and wide geographic reach, there is also the advantage of time optimization. Previously, in order to get a good software, learn how to work with it and adjust all the processes, it was necessary to spend months. Now it takes (with SaaS) a few hours. Last but not least, there is the advantage of having a huge storage. Your company documentation tends to keep growing. But, this is not a problem for SaaS, since cloud storage is often almost bottomless. 


SaaS is a solution dictated by the times. It can significantly reduce the financial costs of the entrepreneur, as well as solve the issues of document control at a distance. In addition, this model significantly saves time and nerves. The only nuance, you should buy SaaS only from professionals, as it is a question of security and the right approach to choice. You can find a team of SaaS experts at the link above.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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