
What Happens If You’re Hit By a Truck?

This seems like a half-witted query. I bet people will reply to you mockingly. Well, that’s one way to look at it because an accident involves various factors.

For instance, which speed can put you to death, and what happens if you survive. Also, you might be curious about who arrives to help in such situations. Moreover, do you file a case and get a truck injury lawyer?

You see, it’s a whole different way to look at it. Let’s discuss everything there is to know about truck accidents.

Will you die after getting hit by a truck?

Intrinsically, it will feel like death is the only result. But, the speed of the truck matters here. Also, the details and nuances of your presence at the spot of the accidents are important. That involves, were you standing or sitting? Also, where were you standing or sitting when you got hit?

Considering these, the result of a truck accident will vary. For example, you were walking, and a truck came slow and somehow hit you. In this scenario, your position and the truck’s speed will contribute to the severity of injuries.

Not to mention, it’s a no-brainer to understand the fatality of colliding with a high-speed truck. The reason is that trucks are big commercial vehicles. And, chances of surviving are low after a full-body strike.

How is a truck accident different?

The problems with trucks are they are huge. As a result, a truck doesn’t hit your limbs. Instead, they brake them to varying degrees and cause internal bleeding.

On top of that, the journey to justice for a truck accident is different. Reportedly, truck agencies already have the preparation for facing the court because these accidents are fatal. And truck companies will try their best to provide the least compensation.

It’s pretty clear that they are well-prepared for legal battles. What is more, they hire experienced and highly paid legal representatives to help them win a particular case.

What happens when you don’t have a good lawyer? Sadly and plainly, you have a little chance of taking on the pre-set plan and the preparations of a truck company. In other words, you won’t be able to obtain the compensation you deserve.

What happens if you survive?

You need to seek immediate medical attention to ensure that any injuries caused at the scene do not deteriorate or become life-threatening. Your health is of the utmost importance.

However, it is also critical to exchange insurance details with the truck driver. Also, if possible, obtain documentation of the scene, including photographs of the damage.

However, there are a couple of more things you must be aware of. Find a whole list of all the stages related to truck accidents below.

  • If you have survived and the injury is minor, you need to remain at the scene. It would be best if you could check if anyone else was affected by the accident.
  • You might/might not be able to take care of yourself. So, it’s best to dial 911 and seek immediate medical attention.
  • You need help from law enforcement as well. Thus, you need to report the accident to the local police once you are rescued from the spot. If you can’t don’t it, ask someone near you to help you with it.
  • This stage is relative. Anyway, if you are in any condition to collect details of the accidents, it would be helpful in legal terms. This stage aims to collect information about the driver and the vehicle. Also, the details of the crash site are important. The more information you have, the better.
  • If there is any witness, you must collect their information too. In fact, they can help you after the accident by calling the police and paramedics. Furthermore, you can request them to collect information about the driver, vehicle, and site.
  • You can collect the insurance details of the driver as well. Once you are okay, you need to reach the insurance company of the driver or the company he is serving. This stage will be painful because insurance companies do not target giving the rightful compensation. In this circumstance, a lawyer would be a great help.

Final remarks: How is a lawyer going to help?

You already know that both truck and insurance companies will be unjust. Thus, it’s better to consult a lawyer as soon as possible. He can help you get adequate compensation. Also, he can help you file a lawsuit after knowing and inspecting all the details revolving around the accident.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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