Top Benefits of Anonymous VPS

Anonymous VPS is the online hosting solution allowing users to host their data anonymously. Thanks to many privacy strengthening features, users’ true identities can’t be linked to their hosted content. Anonymous video hosting, anonymous image hosting, anonymous web hosting, it’s all easily possible thanks to anonymous VPS.

VPS stands for Virtual Private Servers, a common hosting solution allowing users to rent a whole virtual server. Like renting a physical server, all resources and work power are dedicated based on the chosen hosting plan.

Virtual Private Server Technology

Thanks to software virtualization physical server is split into multiple virtual machines with precisely allocated computing power such as vCPU, RAM, SSD disk, and transfer. Based on this resources allocation, your online project won’t get affected even in case of traffic spikes. This virtualization provides the ability to separate virtual operating systems while providing complete fixed isolation. All virtual machines are isolated, act as entirely independent servers, and cannot affect the performance of the underlying physical server.

VPS virtualization provides space for a wide variety of operating systems, and thanks to root access, you’ll get complete control over your server.

Administrator access means that you’ll get unhindered, unrestricted access to your virtual server and its operating system. By installing extra firewalls, configuring server settings, and editing OS settings, you’ll get the best stability between outstanding performance and robust security.

VPS gives you complete autonomy to set the values for your resources based on your application requirements.

What is Anonymous VPS

Anonymous VPS is a hosting service allowing users to rent a virtual server anonymously.

Anonymous Sign Up

When renting standard VPS, you are asked to provide all sorts of personal details, starting with your full name, address, email, and often ID or bill slips need to be attached. Anonymous VPS service has a straightforward sign-up process requiring only your email. Even this email is only necessary to keep you informed about ongoing maintenance or security updates.

Technically you are signing up under your pseudonym since this email doesn’t have to be linked to your true identity. Quite popular is the anonymous encrypted email service provided by Protonmmail. As none of your details are required when renting an anonymous server, your privacy will stay intact.

Anonymous Payments

We all have heard of many cases of data breaches related to credit cards. Standard FIAT payments provide zero anonymity since the payer’s identity can be easily disclosed. Therefore anonymous VPS services adopted cryptocurrency payment gateways. Thanks to its many benefits, the most popular and widely accepted is BitCoin. Anonymity is the most important advantage of Bitcoin payments. It provides the perfect payment solution for hosting services users who’d like to retain a certain level of anonymity.

So what makes bitcoin anonymous?

First of all, when setting up a bitcoin wallet, you don’t have to provide personal details such as your name or address. But the truth is that bitcoin payment is rather pseudonymous than anonymous. All transactions are written in blockchain and are publicly accessible. However, they don’t have to link to a real user. As long as you don’t link your true identity to your wallet by linking a credit card or bank account, nobody will be able to connect you to your wallet address. It’s also advised to generate a new id for each transaction.

How to Set Up Anonymous VPS

You can easily set up your anonymous hosting plan in a few minutes. Once you get through a simple sign-up process, you should set your SSH key for encrypted communication and choose the best-suited hosting plan. Anonymous hosting plans are designed for various projects starting with the Standard plans for the broadest mainstream projects. CPU-optimized VPS is ideal for applications that rely more on CPU than RAM. Memory-optimized plans are well suited for projects handling a large amount of data.

Anonymous VPS and Security

Whether you own a website or blog, host a medium-size project, or host a robust application, your data safety should be your highest priority. Anonymous VPS offers automatic Backups and Snapshots that prevent your data from being lost in the event of an accident or security attack.

To protect your data against these unexpected events, having a proper backup and recovery plan is crucial. Restoration from backup or snapshot usually takes only a couple of clicks.


Anonymous VPS hosting is transforming the hosting industry as we know it. Compared to traditional hosting services, anonymous virtual servers run faster, are more secure, and can easily be scaled up or down. Moreover, you can rent and pay for these services anonymously without exposing your true identity. Anonymous VPS presents the ideal solution for users who value their privacy and anonymity.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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