Plugins all authors should have in 2021

Whether you are an author or a content writer, you need to create pages dedicated to your work. An author’s website is a platform where you can do great marketing of your results, achieve a strong presence on social platforms, thus reaching out to different people. Another advantage this process offers is making money by publishing your blogs, articles, or similar content. You can also find publishers who will further promote your content. With the help of author pages, you will build your name, increase the number of fans on social platforms and globally attract a new and larger audience who will enjoy your work. 

Now, we present you with two plugins with which you will achieve all the desired results.

Simple Author Box

Graphical user interface, application, website

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Simple Author Box is the first tool we will present today. It helps you create an appropriate box for the author at the end of your post. This box, in addition to leaving a beautiful visual effect, also offers various possibilities. The main elements are basic information related to the author, such as their name, website, short biography, or links to social media accounts. Whether you choose the free or PRO version, each carries its advantages and different possibilities. In the PRO version, you get many more options, such as changing the color or style of the frame. An additional option is related to the possibility of adding guest authors, which is worth a lot. It facilitates the collaboration of existing and new authors. An option called Top Author Widget offers a unique chance to display the most popular authors via a widget to make them more prominent and noticeable.

UnderConstructionPage and Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode

When it comes to creating coming soon pages or under construction pages, they can also have many benefits for authors and their websites. Plugins with which it is possible to develop these pages are UnderConstructionPage and Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode. When you make renovations or additional updates to your site, you can use the UnderConstructionPage plugin to notify visitors that your existing site is being refined or updated.

Graphical user interface, website

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In contrast, the other mentioned plugin is used in situations when you are creating new websites. When you display a coming soon page, you can start a story that something new is coming to the market. In addition, you can improve your overall SEO with pre-secured higher traffic to your site. And one of the most significant benefits these pages offer is the ability to increase your email list because it’s one of the best ways to connect you as an author with your audience. 


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Creating an author website will open many doors and paths for you, whether to potential publishers, fellow authors, or new readers. So you need to take advantage of all the options available to you and help others to enjoy what you create.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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