Invisible Mannequin Photography: A Clothing Product Photography Unlike Any Other

Clothing product photography is a unique area of photography that requires special skills. Here, photographers have to deal with fashion models, have to wait for the time between dressing and undressing from one product shot to another, need to work with fashion mannequins, need to dress the mannequins each time for each and every single product shot and what not. Fashion photography therefore is a whole new world when it comes to commercial photography. And when it comes to invisible mannequin photography, it takes things even one step further. Here, not only product photoshoot is needed, it takes high end product photo retouching as well to form a ghost or invisible mannequin look.

Who Needs Invisible Mannequin Photography?

Invisible Mannequin Photography is a very special genre of photography which is needed by a niche eCommerce business sector. It is the clothing or apparel or garments sector where clothing or fashion items are promoted to boost sale. Clothing industry is huge and a monster by nature. It is a multi-billion-dollar industry which is a playing field for multibillion dollar fashion brands as well as small Amazon or Etsy resellers. Fashion brads sell their own brands here. At the same time, small business is operating with private label brands or generic brands.

One group here is the actual brand owner or product owner. There are wide range of other groups in the industry who are supporting the actual brand owner to manufacture as well as promotions and sales. Not all groups in the game needs invisible mannequin photography. Only actual brand owner who get the product manufactured and promoted to push product sale will require invisible mannequin photography and editing.

Where Does A clipping path company Fit In?

It has been mentioned earlier that there are wide range of businesses, consultants and freelancers support the brand or product owners starting from manufacturing to make actual sale of the products. Out of all the support group, clipping path company is one such support group (most commonly known as ghost mannequin service or invisible mannequin service providers.

Garments factories make the clothing upon receiving the orders along with the product specifications from the brand owners. One the items are made; they are then shipped to the buyers. Buyers or brand owners or their representing agencies receive the shipments and store the products in the warehouse. From the entire shipment, selected samples from each batch are taken for product photography.

Commercial product photographers are hired to take pictures of the products. In most cases, major fashion brands will have their own inhouse photographers. For lot of other established businesses, selected photographers are notified about product arrival and are commissioned for the photoshoot. It can take days to photograph all the items depending on how large the selection is.

Once the product photography is done, they are then sent to another group of people known as the clipping path company. These clipping path companies then take those images and edit them to form the invisible mannequin photography.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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