New Zealand

How long can you stay in New Zealand on a visitors visa?


You can now enter New Zealand on the off chance that you hold an ongoing guest visa. Except for guest visa applications submitted from the Pacific, transitory section applications from outside New Zealand stay suspended, except if you have been welcome to apply for a visa. For the most part, the greatest stay holding a Visitor Visa is 9 months. We normally just permit guests to remain for a long time in an 18-month term. To figure out this, we take a gander at the last day that you mean to be in New Zealand (for example 1 July 2020) and count back a year and a half from that point (for example 1 January 2019).

New Zealand visa choices

Visiting New Zealand for a vacation

NEW ZEALAND VISA FOR VISITORS You needn’t bother with a visa to visit New Zealand on the off chance that you are:

  1. A New Zealand resident going on a New Zealand visa or on an unfamiliar identification that has a New Zealand resident underwriting
  2. An Australian resident going on an Australian visa
  3. An unfamiliar identification holder with a legitimate visa for New Zealand – including a Permanent Resident visa

On the off chance that you intend to visit New Zealand for a brief period, you want to demand a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority(opens in new window) (NZeTA) before you travel on the off chance that you are:

A resident of a country that has a visa waiver(opens in another window) concurrence with New Zealand (you can keep awake to 90 days)

On the off chance that you don’t meet the abovementioned, then you’ll require a guest visa. The quickest and simplest method for applying for a guest visa(opens in another window) is on the web.

Prior to going to New Zealand, you really want to ensure your identity is legitimate for somewhere around 90 days longer than your normal takeoff date. Assuming that you come from a country that needs a New Zealand visa to enter, kindly make certain to apply ahead of time.

On the off chance that you have a biometric common visa (or electronic identification) and are north of 12 years of age, you might have the option to utilize New Zealand Customs eGate administration. This permits you to finish your Customs and Immigration checks quicker so you can continue ahead with partaking in your visit to New Zealand.

Do I want a vacation visa for New Zealand?

Explorers need a guest visa for New Zealand except if they are:

  • A resident or super durable occupant of Australia
  • A resident of one of the 60 guest visa waiver nations and regions
  • A holder of the United Nations laissez-passer
  • Qualified for without visa travel under other explicit arrangements

The travel industry in New Zealand with an NZeTA

NEW ZEALAND ENTRY VISA Residents of a few nations can venture out to New Zealand without applying for a guest visa. Sightseers from in excess of 60 nations including the United States, all European Union part states, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, and Japan can go to New Zealand with an eTA and remain for as long as 90 days. Residents from the United Kingdom can enter for times of as long as a half year with the NZ eTA.Cruise transport travelers, everything being equal, can make a trip to New Zealand with an eTA rather than a visa.

Qualified unfamiliar residents should finish the NZeTA online application before the flight.


Having a legitimate identification and the right visa is vital to a difficult free passage into New Zealand. Your identification must be substantial for something like three months past your planned takeoff date, and whenever required, have a legitimate New Zealand visa. We have upgraded Immigration Online. You can in any case get to applications, reports, or eVisas in the old framework.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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