Homeworkify AI Provides Free Solutions to Thousands of Homework Questions

Homeworkify AI Provides Free Solutions to Thousands of Homework Questions

New technologies have changed the landscape of education and as a young student, it is to
your advantage if you learn how to use these tools. One such tool is the Homeworkify AI,
which can help you with your homework. The AI can supercharge your efficiency by providing
multiple forms of assistance for the student who is motivated towards achieving their academic

If you’re stuck on a difficult homework problem, there’s no more need to do it all on your own!
Many students taking technical courses find themselves struggling when their teachers are
forced to rush through complicated concepts. Sometimes, it is helpful to see a solution to a
particular problem so that you can learn a new technique and apply it in the future. That way,
you can learn much faster than if you had to figure everything out from scratch!

What is Homeworkify AI good for?

Homeworkify AI has the following functionalities:

  1. It can directly answer questions about your homework.
  2. It can provide answers to Chegg’s questions.

The first function is Homeworkify’s ability to answer questions about your homework. Because
the AI is trained on a large model, it can answer questions about a wide range of fields.
This means Homeworkify AI is just as useful for subjects like History or English as it is for
Science and Mathematics. Simply ask your question in the textbox and Homeworkify AI will
provide you with all the relevant information!

Homeworkify AI Provides Free Solutions to Thousands of Homework Questions

In the example above, you can see that we asked Homeworkify about reaction rates in
chemistry. Not only did the AI explain the concept, but it even gave us the exact
steps for how to perform the calculation! With this software, you will be able to blow through all
your homework at lightning speed!

What is Chegg?

Chegg is an American education technology company that provides a range of services to
students. Founded in 2005, Chegg offers textbook rentals (both digital and physical), online
tutoring, homework help, scholarships, and internship matching. However, the platform is
famous for its subscription-based service that provides access to step-by-step solutions to
textbook problems. Over the years, Chegg has built up a large database of solved homework
problems. Chances are, someone on Chegg has already asked about the problems on your assignment!

Unfortunately, Chegg is a subscription-based service with a recurring fee. This can be
prohibitive for students on a budget or working in a different currency. With Homeworkify, you
will have access to a large database of solved Chegg questions, without having to pay the fee
yourself! Simply search the Internet for your question + ‘Chegg’, then copy the link and paste it
into Homeworkify.

How much does Homeworkify cost?

Homeworkify is a British not-for-profit organization whose stated goal is to provide free-toaccess educational tools for a global community. Therefore, the Homeworkify product has no fee.

Is Homeworkify secure?

Homeworkify is an AI web-based tool, and therefore it does not require you to download any
software. Therefore it is relatively secure and safe to use.

Is Homeworkify reliable?

Answers from Chegg are approved by community members and credentialed employees.
Therefore, these are usually quite reliable. The answers provided by the AI itself are based
on a large language training model and therefore are drawn from the most popular
sources on the subject. Although these answers are generally reliable, it is best practice to
double-check information from AI models before submitting it.

Is Homeworkify legal?

Homeworkify is an educational assistance tool that can be used for legitimate and
illegitimate purposes. Make sure to check your school’s rules about AI and homework
assistance tools to avoid misconduct allegations.


Imagine a world where homework frustration is a thing of the past, where complex math
problems, challenging essays, and tricky science questions are solved with ease. Welcome to
the future of education! Students who can take advantage of new software tools will gain
a competitive advantage over their peers that is impossible to ignore! With Homeworkify AI
you too can gain access to a whole new network of information and a personalised tool to guide
you through it.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15894