Future of Online News portals

Future of Online News portals

The online news portals in India are growing at a faster rate as compared to traditional media like Print media, film studios, television, and radio broadcasting. With the rise in usage of smartphones and tablets, people tend to use and consume more online news through various news websites. Many media companies have started their online news portals in India apart from their offline print or television media like Times of India, ndtv.com, indiatoday.com, indiaexpress.com, thehindu.com, and many more.

History of Journalism in India

The print media in India began with an Irishman in the year 1780. He started an English weekly and its circulation was majorly in Kolkata (the center of the East India Company), the English weekly was mainly read by the British traders and officials. After this Indian print media has taken pace and Indians started publishing newspapers in other native languages. The epic centers of newspaper publications were Bombay, Chennai, and Delhi. People used Newspapers to spread messages of social reforms against the British rulers.

As years passed Newspapers have become a strong institution which resulted in rising publishing houses in India which started publishing many newspapers in different languages and covered all the areas like trending news, business, cinema, culture, travel, automobiles, etc. that gathered more interested readers. With the development in the media industry, the publication houses publish on their websites.

Rise of Online News Portals in India

After the entry of globalization and liberalization in the Indian markets and industries. The media industry also benefited from these globalization policies. Computers were installed in the media offices and the internet was soon also followed in the industries which helped publication houses to reach people in small towns and cities in India.

Publishers in India have started using information and communication technologies like websites and apps for news circulation worldwide. This development of technology gave rise to the media business. Online news portals are the new trend in the industry that provides quality information to the public on the internet as fast as possible. Due to the internet, people are getting real-time news from around the world.

Search engines like Google play a very important role in a news publication. The web world is moving towards influencing more and more audiences from every part of the world. These search engines help the users in finding information based on what users are searching and looking for on the internet.

The online news portals in India are also riding towards social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to gain more audience attention. We can also find their social media pages through which they fill up our feeds by sharing links.   

The benefit of Online News

  • It always saves the time of the reader.
  • This protects the environment by giving the content online on the websites rather than on paper.
  • The reader can easily navigate to the information which is important for them very quickly.
  • The websites also provide relevant images related to the news to increase the interest of the reader.
  • They also provide relevant videos and quality images related to the article to engage more audience.
  • It is more budget-friendly for the public as compared to offline media.
  • It is very convenient for the reader to read articles and save articles for the future.
  • The reader can also share their opinions or comments.

In a world where technology and the internet are rising,a large number of readers are moving towards online content in comparison to paper, magazine, or television. The first thing the person sees in the morning is his or her phone to know what’s happening around the world. Soon we may see tremendous growth in online portals in India putting down the offline media platforms. I hope you find this article very useful and help you gain knowledge about the reality of traditional and new era news platforms. For more informative articles like these please reach us at https://www.theasianread.com/.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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