Fruits A la mode: A List of Fruits You Can Grow At Home

Who would’ve thought that once the ovary of a seed develops, it gives birth to a certain kind of fruit? These delectable juicy, sweet, and tangy snacks are a great source and the home for many good nutrients. It is not only delicious but can be one of the healthiest desserts out there. It is the powerhouse for many health benefits.

Buying fruits in the nearest local market and canned ones from the shelves of the supermarket is great for your convenience. However, growing them your own within the premise of your backyard is a lot better. Here are the different kinds of fruits you can grow at your own home:


Blueberries are fruits that are packed with good nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, antioxidants, and phytonutrients or flavonoids. These components help in preventing such illnesses, increase strength, and maintain bone structure. There are four different types of blueberries; Highbush Blueberries (Northern and Southern Type), Half Highbush Blueberries, Lowbush Blueberries, and Rabbiteye Blueberries.

Highbush Blueberries have two types; one is the Northern type which prefers the cold weather while the Southern type grows better in Mediterranean regions or warmer climates.

Lowbush Blueberries’ small berries taste sweeter than Highbush blueberries and have a more exceptional palate.

Half High Blueberries’ berries vary through small to medium sizes and have a fairly good taste. It blooms from the beginning of March to April and ripens in July.

Rabbiteye Blueberries’ fruit has an average blueberry shape and relatively good sugar content. Harvest season starts from the end of May and July within a 4 to 6 week period.


Consuming Strawberries would benefit the host with antioxidants, potassium, fiber, and folate. They aid in heart problems, decrease blood pressure and lower the chances of cancer.

Across the United States and Canada, strawberries are easy to grow, they develop as long as there is adequate sunlight. Strawberries come in three different  varieties; June-bearing, everbearing, and day-neutral strawberries.

June-bearing strawberries bear fruits earlier than June in warmer climates and produce more in the long summer.

Everbearing strawberries bear crop lightly in the summer and produce more in the late summer. Day-neutrals produce crops ceaselessly throughout the period up until the start of winter.


These fruits aid in many physical conditions it provides beta-carotene which turns into Vitamin A when taken. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are also present.  In taking care of tomato plants, water is important for their growth to maintain a healthy root system.

Fertilizers are also recommended to ensure a good crop. Tomatoes come in various different shapes, sizes, and colors. This includes Heirloom tomatoes which were developed through traditional growing by choosing seedlings that possess desirable qualities.  

Hybrid tomatoes are the outcome between two different types of tomatoes. Usually for the tomato fruit to instantly develop, it needs about 4 to 5 weeks. Most varieties of tomatoes ripen after two months and can be picked from late June until July.


These fruits contain lots of good nutrients like potassium which is needed when you need less intake of salt. Some investigations even claim that it produces a type of protein which is Lectin that reduces the chances of Leukemia cells from developing.

On top of that, it even has antioxidants, folate, and fiber which assist in heart health. Banana trees thrive in tropical weather and in rainforests because plants like these require lots of water and moisture.

Just like tomatoes, bananas have different kinds of varieties. One of which is the  Cavendish banana, the usual fruit you see when you go grocery shopping, they have a sweet taste and have a creamy consistency. The harvest time for bananas is on the 15 to 18th month since planted. And they start to ripen in the middle and end of Spring.


These are the perfect fruits if you’re looking for food that has a good amount of Vitamin C and contain properties that shield our body from different sicknesses.  They aid in supporting good cholesterol levels,  nurture skin, maintain blood sugar levels , and can even assist if you want to lose some pounds.  

It is essential to keep the soil of mango trees sufficiently watered before its flowers start to bloom. Fertilizing it with nitrogen is also a need. Mangoes thrive more in recurring dry and wet periods. However, having a dry climate is good for the production of fruits during the period of flowering.

One of the vast arrays of mangoes is Honey mango which has a tiny seed with a sweet and sour flavor. Harvesting mangoes will start from three to five months and can be picked when it turns a warm yellow, red, or orange from a green hue.


These different fruits may be diverse but they all have particular health benefits.  They aren’t only useful for sweet dishes and beverages but also the home for many good nutrients. If you have the right weather conditions and the knack for growing plants, you may actually be able to grow some of your own.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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