Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS) Market 2021 Share, Size, Growth and Future Demand by Major Players, Trending Technologies, Potential Revenue Analysis 2030

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In a recent published report, Kenneth Research has updated the Market report for Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS) Market for 2021 till 2030. Report further now discusses; the various strategies to be adopted or being adopted by the business players across the globe at various levels in the value chain. In the view of the global economic slowdown, we further estimated that China, India, Japan and South Korea to recover fastest amongst all the countries in the Asian market. Germany, France, Italy, Spain to take the worst hit and this hit is expected to be regain 25% by the end of 2021- Positive Growth in the economic demand and supply.

U.S. Market recovers fast; In a release on May 4th 2021, the U.S. Bureau and Economic Analysis and U.S. Census Bureau mentions the recovery in the U.S. International trade in March 2021. Exports in the country reached $200 billion, up by $12.4 billion in Feb 2021. Following the continuous incremental trend, imports tallied at $274.5 billion, picked up by $16.4 billion in Feb 2021. However, as COVID19 still haunts the economies across the globe, year-over-year (y-o-y) average exports in the U.S. declined by $7.0 billion from March 2020 till March 2021 whilst imports increased by $20.7 billion during the same time. This definitely shows how the market is trying to recover back and this will have a direct impact on the Healthcare/ICT/Chemical industries, creating a huge demand for Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS) Market Products.

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Enterprise file synchronization and sharing (EFSS) include software services which enable organisations to synchronize and share files, documents, photos, videos and more, in a secure way, from multiple devices to multiple people (employees, external customers and partners). The global EFSS market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 21% during 2018-2023, leading to a global revenue of USD 10.35 Bn by 2023.

Organizations often adopt such security technologies to prevent employees from using consumer-based file sharing apps to store, access and manage the corporate data that is beyond the IT department’s control and visibility. Enterprise file-sharing products include security capabilities like authentication, data encryption, containerization, and tracking features to protect enterprise data. EFSS allows files to be stored in an approved data repository which can be remotely accessed by employees from personal computers, tablets or smartphones which support the EFSS product.

The EFSS market is classified into four major segments – by deployment, by component, by organisation size, and by end user industry verticals. Based on region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa.
Based on deployment, the market is segmented into cloud, on-premises and hybrid.
Based on component, the sub-segments are integrated solutions, standalone solutions, and services.
Based on end user industry verticals, the market is segmented into software and technology, media, BFSI, healthcare, and others.

Key growth factors

IT can do away with worries regarding unauthorised company file sharing, with the adoption of enterprise file sync and share. Administrators can set security parameters and create user account permissions to limit accessibility to sensitive data. Content is also typically encrypted when shared and scanned using antivirus software to minimize the risks of data leaks. These advantages increase the adoption of EFSS solutions and services in organisations. The implementation of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) programs in organisations, increasing penetration of smartphones across businesses, rise in mobile workforce, increasing collaboration between employees and enterprises, and stringent government regulations for data security are some of the drivers of the EFSS market.

According to the statistics by the World Bank, the exports of ICT goods globally increased from 11.164% of total goods exports in 2017 to 11.53% of total goods exports in 2019. Additionally, exports of ICT services increased from 5.61% of service exports (BoP) in 2001 to 10.37% of service exports (BoP) in 2017.

“Final Report will add the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.”

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Threats and key players

Risk related to security and privacy of files and data, integration, control, compliance and regulatory issues are some of the reasons that may slow down the adoption of enterprise file sharing and synchronisation among various industry verticals and domains. According to Information Week, most organisations are unable to migrate all their files to Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing, and NAS vendors have been slow to use the technology. These challenges often cause files to end up in multiple repositories.
Some of the major EFSS providers are Dropbox, Box, Citrix, Microsoft, etc.

What’s covered in the report?

1. Overview of the global EFSS market
2. Market drivers and challenges in the global EFSS market
3. Market trends in the global EFSS market
4. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the global EFSS market
5. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the deployment segment which includes cloud, on-premises and hybrid
6. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the component segment which includes integrated solutions, standalone solutions and services
7. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the end user industry verticals segment which includes software and technology, media, BFSI, healthcare, and others
8. Historical, current and forecasted regional (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa) market size data for EFSS market
9. Analysis of the global EFSS market by value chain
10. Analysis of the competitive landscape and profiles of major competitors operating in the market

Why buy?

1. Understand the demand for EFSS to determine the viability of the market
2. Determine the developed and emerging markets for EFSS
3. Identify the challenge areas and address them
4. Develop strategies based on the drivers, trends and highlights for each of the segments
5. Evaluate the value chain to determine the workflow
6. Recognize the key competitors of this market and respond accordingly
7. Knowledge of the initiatives and growth strategies taken by the major companies and decide on the direction of further growth

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The report further discusses the market opportunity, compound annual growth rate (CAGR) growth rate, competition, new technology innovations, market players analysis, government guidelines, export and import (EXIM) analysis, historical revenues, future forecasts etc. in the following regions and/or countries:

  • North America (U.S. & Canada) Market size, Y-O-Y growth, Market Players Analysis & Opportunity Outlook
  • Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) Market size, Y-O-Y growth & Market Players Analysis & Opportunity Outlook
  • Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe) Market size, Y-O-Y growth Market Players Analys  & Opportunity Outlook
  • Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific) Market size, Y-O-Y growth & Market Players Analysis & Opportunity Outlook
  •  Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman), North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Market size, Y-O-Y growth Market Players Analysis & Opportunity Outlook

The Market report answers the following questions:

What is the aim of the report?

  • The market report presents the estimated market size of Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS) Market by the end of forecast period. Additionally, the historical and current market size is also examined in the report.
  • Based on various indicators, the Year on Year growth (%) and compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the given forecast period is offered.
  • An overview of the Market based on geographical scope, market segmentation and financial performance of key players is presented in the report.
  • The report presents current trends in the industry and future scope of the Market in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and Middle East and Africa.
  • The various parameters accelerating the growth of Market are incorporated in the research report.
  • The report analyzes growth rate, market size and valuation of the Market during the forecast period.

What aspects regarding the regional analysis Market are included in this report?

  • Geographical regions covered in the report include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region.
  • The report consists of detailed region-wise analysis of current and future market trends, providing information on product usage and consumption.
  • The growth rate of the market in every region, including their countries over the forecast period is included in the market report.

Based on what factors are the key market players assessed in this report?

  • The report offers detailed analysis of leading companies in the market across the globe.
  • It provides details of the major vendors involved in the Market including Key Playes
  • A comprehensive overview of each company including the company profile, generated revenue, pricing of goods and the manufactured products is incorporated in the report.
  • The facts and figures about market competitors along with standpoints of leading market players are presented in the report.
  • The recent developments, mergers and acquisitions related to mentioned key players are provided in the market report.

What is the key information extracted from the report?

  • Extensive information on factors estimated to affect the Market growth and market share during the forecast period is presented in the report.
  • The report offers the present scenario and future growth prospects Market in various geographical regions.
  • The competitive landscape analysis on the market as well as the qualitative and quantitative information is delivered.
  • The SWOT analysis is conducted along with Porter’s Five Force analysis.
  • The in-depth analysis provides an insight into the Market, underlining the growth rate and opportunities offered in the business.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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