Buy Home in Mountain view Ras El Hekma Egypt

What is Mountain view Ras El Hekma?

Mountain view Ras El Hekma is an archaeological site located in the Western Desert of Egypt. The site was first discovered in 1907 by a British expedition and has since been extensively excavated.

Ras El Hekma is one of the most important ancient sites in Egypt and is renowned for its extensive Pharaonic period ruins, including three temples dedicated to the goddess Hathor. The site is also known for its rock carvings and paintings, which are some of the oldest examples of art in Egypt.

Location and access:

Mountain View Ras El Hekma is a location in the Sahara Desert, about 250 miles from the city of Cairo. The site has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The mountain is known for its spectacular rock formations and is one of the best-known sites in Egypt. The site can be reached by car or camel ride, and there are several lodging options available.

Properties for sale:

Are you looking for properties in Mountain View Ras El Hekma? Then click here, we have just what you are looking for. We have a wide selection of properties that are perfect for you and your family. Browse through our listings and find the perfect home for your needs. We know that finding the right property is important to you, so we take care in selecting each property. Contact us today to learn more about these amazing properties and how they can benefit your life.

Enjoying nature:

Nature is one of the most important things in life, and if you can find a place to enjoy it, do. One great way to do this is by visiting the Mountain View Ras El Hekma. This nature reserve features incredible views of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding landscape. There are trails that will take you through forests and up onto ridges, where you’ll be able to see for miles. Whether you’re looking for peace and quiet or just someplace different to explore, the Mountain View Ras El Hekma is a perfect spot.

Cost of living:

Ras El Hekma is a small village in the Western Desert of Egypt. Nestled among the sand dunes and rocky hills, it is one of the most isolated locations in the country. Though it has a population of only 3,000, Ras El Hekma enjoys a privileged lifestyle thanks to its natural resources and proximity to some of Egypt’s most famous tourist destinations. With an unemployment rate hovering at only 5%, Ras El Hekma residents are able to enjoy a high quality of life without having to overspend. Despite its relatively low cost of living, Ras El Hekma residents still need to be mindful of their expenses since there is little else to do in the village aside from relax and enjoy the stunning landscape. For more informationabout property cost in Ras El Hekma visit nawy, one of best real estates in Egypt.


If you are looking for a place to call home in the great and ancient land of Egypt, consider buying a home in Mountain view Ras el Hekma. Home prices in this area are still reasonable, especially compared to other parts of the country, and there is plenty to do and see nearby. So if you are interested in exploring this fascinating country, consider looking into buying a home here!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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