7 Advantages of Using Vehicle Transport Service Nexus Auto Transport

Did you know the average American owns 1.88 cars? That’s a lot of money to spend, as well as time. If you remember the pains you went to buy your cars, then you probably won’t want to get rid of them.

Should you need to relocate, it makes sense to bring your vehicles. And if it’s a long-distance move, you’ll want to have them shipped since driving them has a myriad of downsides.

If you aren’t convinced, we’re here to double down on our view. Here are 7 advantages of using a vehicle transport service like Nexus Auto Transport!

1. You’ll Save Time

Depending on how far away you’re moving, the drive can take a few hours to a week even! That’s a lot of time to dedicate to driving your car across the country.

Isn’t your time better spent doing other things? There are so many other things you need to worry about when relocating, so make it easier on yourself. Make every minute count and have a car shipping company do the driving for you.

As a result, you’ll have more time to make some memories with your loved ones before you move away from them!

2. You’ll Save Money

There’s a saying that goes like this: you have to spend money to make money. And in the case of auto shipping, this is true!

Above, we’ve already pointed out that it can take a good chunk of time to drive from point A to point B. To do this yourself, you’ll have to take time off work, not to mention also find (and pay) someone to take care of your kids and/or pets. Not only that, but you’ll also have to spend extra money on takeout, gas, hotel stays, and potential repairs.

Now consider what’ll happen if you hire a pro instead. The car shipping costs you’ll pay will be a drop in the bucket when you don’t have to take off work or find caretakers for your dependents.

In the end, you’ll actually save money since you don’t have to make arrangements for your daily obligations!

3. It’s Safer

There’s a very good chance that you’re not used to long-distance driving. And you might not be experienced in handling different road conditions. This makes the perfect storm for you getting into a serious car crash.

Driving solo can make you tired and bored easily, which will affect your concentration. Even if you bring someone with you, having conversations with them can be distracting. And with inclement weather, just one wrong decision can send you into a wreck.

 Truckers are trained in defensive driving and are knowledgeable when it comes to handling roads in all conditions. They’re also used to long-distance shipping, so you can trust them to stay awake and alert.

4. It’ll Reduce Wear and Tear on Your Vehicle

Whether you have a brand-new or old car, the fact is, driving it across the country will rack up the miles on its odometer. Even if it’s no big deal for your new vehicle, it’s just putting unnecessary wear and tear on it.

And if you have an older car, especially a classic one, a long drive might be just what it takes for it to break down completely!

Don’t risk this; have your car shipped instead. If your main goal is keeping your vehicle in the best shape possible, then this is the only logical choice.

5. It’ll Reduce Your Stress

Any move (both short and long-distance) can be complicated. Tasks include:

  • Packing your belongings
  • Donating, selling, or trashing items you don’t want anymore
  • Getting important documents together
  • Canceling or changing utilities and other services
  • Changing addresses for accounts
  • Cleaning the old property
  • And more

Needless to say, it’s very stressful. If you can cross a major item off your to-do list, wouldn’t you want to do so?

By leaving auto transport in the hands of pros, you won’t have to worry about anything besides pickup and dropoff. This can allow you to feel more excited and less stressed about your upcoming relocation!

6. Your Car’s Better Insured

Yes, your existing insurance policy will cover your car any time you’re driving it, including while you’re moving. But if you get into any accidents that are your fault, your premium will go up. And your policy might not even cover the full extent of damage.

On the other hand, auto transport companies are required to carry policies on their cargo. Should anything happen while your vehicle is under their care, their policy will take care of everything.

7. You Can Transport Multiple Vehicles at Once

Remember how we said the average American has almost 2 cars? In a household, there’s bound to be at least 2 vehicles under the roof!

If you’re moving with your family, you might have to coordinate drives so you can get all the cars to your new place. This can be a huge hassle, especially if everyone has hectic schedules.

Shipping multiple cars kills several birds with one stone. You won’t have to worry about the huge headache of planning out your drives.

Get Vehicle Transport Service From Nexus Auto Transport

After reading through this article, it should be clear that if you’re moving and bringing your cars along, you need vehicle transport service. In that case, Nexus Auto Transport is perfect for the job!

This company has many years of experience and can bring your vehicles to wherever you need. Plus, they have some fantastic prices, so you don’t have to worry about price gouging.

So don’t try to save money by driving your car long distance. It’ll be worth every penny to have professionals do it for you instead!

Need more advice for your move? Then keep browsing our blog page now!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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