Travel Content That Sees Massive Traffic

5 Ways To Create Travel Content That Sees Massive Traffic

Are you ready for some revenge travel? No, not picking your vacation destination based on it being better than you’re rivals. It’s time to get even for all those lost months due to the Covid shutdowns and make up for a lost time! People have realized there is no time like the present to travel, so airlines and hotels see a business boom – and so are travel sites helping to make it possible.

This means the leisure travel sector of the internet is becoming incredibly competitive, and if you want to make your travel or lifestyle website or blog stand out, it’s time to step up your content. People are looking for a site to help them create a vacation they’ll never forget. Here are five ways to ramp up your travel content strategy and watch the views roll in!

1. Create a Travel Content Strategy

What works for one website won’t necessarily work for another, and if you’re just starting as a travel site, you might need different tactics from established sites. Many of the keywords in the travel sector are incredibly difficult, and starting with long posts focusing on them may lead you to get lost in the shuffle.

When starting, it may be best to focus on a specific travel sector and partner with other well-known sites to establish your profile. You can use tools like Ahrefs Tool Guide: Keyword Explorer for e-commerce to determine which keywords are more competitive and provide a valuable opening for your website.

2. Deliver Valuable Information

Many travel sites seem to focus on luring people in with hype for a destination but don’t provide any information on how to make it happen. Travel is wonderful, but it can be incredibly stressful – especially packing, planning flights, and figuring out how to manage things in another country.

The best travel content strategy for many blogs is to provide valuable content that helps people make their travel less stressful. This can include tips on getting around the airport or locations everyone should know in foreign countries. You want people to walk away from your blog feeling like they’re better, smarter travelers – not like your website is a pitchman trying to sell them something.

3. Use Amazing Photos

A big part of success as a travel website is helping people imagine the amazing experience they’re going to have on their trip. Text will help, but it won’t have the same impact that images will. Sourcing appealing photos is one of the most important parts of setting up your website, and it can also play a key role in your SEO strategy.

Images can also be searched for SEO purposes – it can help them pop up on search results if you give them in-context captions and alt-text that match the keyword. Make sure to source and credit appropriately to ensure they can stay up long-term.

4. Create Content That People Would Want to Link to

Everyone has to start somewhere, and one of the biggest challenges for a small website is building links to other websites. The key to a link-building strategy is creating content that people will want to link to. This means making relevant content in the travel sector while avoiding stepping on other people’s territory.

It can help review your competition before you launch and then find active websites that can host your backlinks in exchange for hosting theirs. The best kind of content that attracts links is evergreen and answers a question that people might have after reading the content on the other site.

5. Try Podcasting

Despite your best efforts, not everyone will be able to read your content. Sometimes this just comes down to time – sitting down and reading an article isn’t always possible due to a busy work day. That’s why many travel sites are adding podcasts – radio-style audio shows that can be listened to during a commute. This is a great way to boost your website’s reach. Your voice plays a key role here, so make sure to present yourself as a confident travel expert here to make travel easier and smoother for your listeners.

Get Ready to Take Off

The travel sector of the internet is one of the busiest, and it’s only going to get hotter as revenge travel increases. So how do you make yourself stand out? Think about what content you’d want to read if you were about to travel.

You want to develop a clear content strategy, deliver valuable information, and feature eye-catching photos. Consider your link-building strategy and create multiple ways to access your content. This is how you stand out in this fast-growing section of blogs and websites.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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