4 Keys For Safe Manual Handling

4 Keys For Safe Manual Handling: Prevent Injury & Boost Productivity

Lifting, carrying, moving, pushing, or pulling loads physically comes under the definition of Manual Handling. There are certain risks attached to these kinds of practices, Manual handling regulations have been in place for several years but many organizations do not work towards implementing them.

An employer should ensure the protection of the manual handling workforce by having proper safety measures in place. MHE Training goes a long way in assuring the safety of the manual handling worker. One in three workplace accidents are caused by manual handling and around 300,000 people suffer back pain because of this practice in the UK.

Ever wondered about that 25kg weight limit you see on boxes? It all comes down to manual handling. That’s the technical term for lifting, lowering, pushing, or carrying things at work.  Manual handling training teaches you proper techniques to avoid Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) like back pain. It also covers using equipment, safe lifting for awkward loads, and maintaining good posture to prevent slips, trips, and falls.

4 Key Areas of Manual Handling

4 key factors must be considered when carrying out Manual Handling risk assessment, these factors usually go by the acronym TILE. The TILE is abbreviated as

  • Task
  • Individual
  • Load
  • Environment

These factors have a greater role to play in minimizing the risk of manual handling. Let me elaborate on these factors to give you a better understanding.

4 Keys For Safe Manual Handling

1. Task

The first key factor would be to assess the nature of the task and compose a technique on how the job would be carried out. Examine the Manual Handling process on a basic logistical level like the load positioning, transporting distance, and the number of laborers. Give the labor sufficient time to rest and recover.

2. Individual

This step requires the assessment of individual capabilities to carry out the task. Demanding work done by a weaker individual may result in injuries and accidents. Evaluate personal capabilities by age, preexisting health condition, prior injuries, level of strength, and the possession of specialized tools.

3. Load

Characteristics of Load is another important factor in the manual handling process. Some loads are difficult to carry and that just can not be associated with the weight alone. Loads are difficult to carry when it has an unwieldy shape, difficult to hold, fragile in nature, obscure vision when lifting, and heavy.

4. Environment

This factor cannot be taken lightly as it can make the whole process difficult. Factors like smaller space, uneven slippery ground, and poor ventilation and lighting affect the manual handling process. Unfavorable weather conditions also make the transit of load difficult.

Manual Handling Training

Look up online MHE training Luton, Manual Handling Training Dunstable, and Manual Handling Training Luton to train yourself for the manual handling risk assessment.

Did you know that seemingly simple tasks like lifting boxes can lead to serious injuries? It’s true! To prevent back pain, Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs), and other work-related injuries, many countries have Manual Handling Acts and MMH regulations. These emphasize proper lifting techniques, safe work practices, and the use of manual handling aids during manual handling activities.

By following a Manual Handling Assessment (often using the TILE acronym: Task, Individual, Load, and Environment) and implementing controls like lifting teams or ergonomic equipment, workplaces can achieve continuous improvement in occupational safety and health (OSH) and promote overall workplace wellness.

Manual Handling Legislation

MHOR legislation was first laid out in 1992 which restricts the employer to

  • Avoid: To avoid risky manual handling as much as practically possible
  • Assess: Analyze the risk of injury from the manual handling task that can not be averted.
  • Reduce: Reduce the risk of injury or accident from any manual handling task as much as practicable.

Final Verdict

These four key factors will help in assessing the risks of manual handling tasks and minimizing them to some extent. Management must invest in handling aids and workforce training to reduce the risk of injuries and accidents. Effective management practices will not only ensure labor safety but also make manual handling somewhat easier.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15893

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