food allergen testing

Why Is It Essential To Test Food Allergies?

A food allergy can provoke reactions in the body that affect the immune system. Foods that may be customary for other people may have lethal reactions on another person’s body. Food allergens can cause the immune system to react to it as if it were a virus or bacteria.

Some manifestations are rashes, abdominal pain to more severe complications like anaphylactic shock. It is hence vital for people to undergo food allergen testing to avoid such fiascos. The most typical triggering foods are milk, soy, wheat, eggs, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, and peanuts.

Food allergen testing can cooperate in detecting the other triggers. Most people undergo hazardous indications from minutest allergies. By detecting them aptly, the doctors can formulate a course of treatment and enlighten people more. Being better informed will permit the sufferers an opportunity to impede their adversities.

Difference Between Food Allergies And Sensitivities

It is imperative to conduct food allergen tests. Being unaware of a person’s allergies can be harmful. If an individual feels apprehensive about being allergic to certain food items, they must get themselves tested.

These tests are simple and reveal an item or multiple food items that a person may be susceptible to. By demonstrating these tests, one can be sure of whether they are suffering from allergies or food sensitivity.

Food sensitivity or food intolerance occurs when a person reacts to a food item severely or moderately. Its symptoms are nausea, bloating, and diarrhea. They are not as lethal as allergies. The most common food sensitivities are:

1) Lactose intolerance: It occurs with the absorption of dairy products. Lactose is a type of sugar that is found in them. People may feel bloated sick and experience stomach cramps, major pains, diarrhea, and farting.

2) Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor-enhancing food supplement. It has ill-repute because many suppose that it can lead to allergy-like manifestations and side effects. Its symptoms are headache, nausea, vomiting, flushing, runny nose, sweating, stomach upset, depression, and mood swings.

3) Gluten is a type of protein in wheat, barley, and other grains. Gluten sensitivity can often be misjudged as wheat sensitivity. However, they are disparate. Celiac disease is likewise similar to gluten sensitivity. It mars the small intestine for the consumption of gluten.

However, it is important to recall that they are all different from one another.  Its symptoms are diarrhea, unexplained weight loss, mood swings, fatigue, depression, abdominal pain, and so on.

On the other hand, food allergies can have severe ramifications on the immune system and the overall human body. Food allergies can entice more severe symptoms. Other types of allergies, family history, and asthma make people more susceptible to allergies. They can affect:

1) Skin: The skin may exhibit symptoms like tingling, rashes, itching, redness, and hives. In toddlers, the initial indicator of an allergy is a rash.

2) Digestive system: Having abdominal pain, metallic taste in one’s mouth, swelling, or itching on the tongue are common manifestations.

3) Respiratory system: Coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing, wheezing and tightness in the chest are all respiratory symptoms.

Anaphylactic shocks are a type of acute allergic reaction that can induce the symptoms listed below:

1) Rapid swelling on the tongue, lips, or throat.

2) Congestion of the airways and difficulty in breathing.

3) Dizziness

4) Pale skin

5) Feeling faint

6) Fast pulse

These symptoms can kick in seconds after the person has ingested something allergic. Anaphylactic shocks can be exceedingly critical and need immediate treatment. Doctors commonly prescribe a small device called an auto-injector.

This delivers a dosage of epinephrine, which is an antidote. However, this is a momentary fix, people will have to see the doctor for accurate treatment.

The Process

The process starts with an oral test where the doctor feeds small amounts of questionable food. Subsequently, they observe any reactions and adapt a course of treatment accordingly. Elimination diet applies to discern the cause of the allergy. They exclude certain foods from a person;’s diet. This is followed by a skin prick test. If an individual’s skin becomes red and itchy on the site of the injection, it means that they are allergic.


Even though food allergen testing may seem intimidating, it is completely secure. There is no remedy for allergies, people should just eliminate those from their diet.

It is fundamental that individuals read the ingredient section before buying packaged foods to escape any blunders. People suffering from anaphylactic shocks must invariably carry the auto-injector with them.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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