types of software

Which Types of Software Does Your Company Need?

Workspace digitalization will undoubtedly continue to grow. Business opportunities are unlimited since the Internet connects the right applicants with the right employers all over the world.

However, any good idea needs a solid implementation strategy. Specifically, the need to communicate effectively and to share knowledge seamlessly grows.    

Thankfully, the market is ever-expanding. When there is a global need, solutions always emerge. Digitalization is rapidly expanding to affect all fields, including communication, task scheduling and administration, file sharing, and so on.

While this is good news, it also poses a problem: which tools to pick and which to avoid?

With so many options available, it is essential to decide the exact tools your business needs. One such essential tool for plumbing businesses is BuildOps plumbing software.

Here are our top picks.

Call Center Automation

Call center automation is a good idea, as it can be deployed for various processes, including:

  • Automation
  • Empowering employees
  • Connecting with customers
  • Driving continual improvement

The finest of call center automation tools come with conversational AI capabilities and deliver unified RPA. Both factors are critical, as they help businesses optimize processes and streamline procedures with ease.

A pro tip would be to use speech analytics for your call center. Speech analytics is the process of decoding audio recordings and using that information for advanced business intelligence. It has multiple uses and is certain to improve your business’ contact center performance.

For streamlining manual tasks, consider VoIP protocols, IVR systems, and ACD systems.

VoIP protocols (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a method for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over IP networks. It has been around for a while and pretty much all businesses have used it at some point.

IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems allow customers to interact with a computer-operated phone system through the use of voice and DTMF tones input via a keypad.

ACD (Automated Call Distribution) systems are telephony devices that answer and distribute incoming calls to a specific group of terminals or agents. Typically, ACDs deploy a voice menu to direct callers based on the caller’s selection.

Dispatch Software

Using dispatch software is always a good idea as it enhances logistics operations dramatically. It is a type of field service management software and its main purpose is to assist businesses in managing and automating their dispatch operations.

Dispatch software combines multiple functionalities such as client information, scheduling, dispatching, employee productivity, and automated billing and invoicing, to name a few.

Performance Management Software

Performance management is the process entailing communication and feedback between managers and employees. Its main goal is to uphold the company’s strategic goals.

There are five steps in the performance management cycle, as follows:

  • Planning — communicating goals
  • Monitoring — monitoring employee performance
  • Developing — using insights obtained during the monitoring phase to improve employee performance
  • Rating — performance appraisal
  • Rewarding — rewarding good performance

Updated performance management software can streamline these otherwise complex steps, so it’s important to choose wisely. Also, keep in mind that new tech can only help if you have a strategic vision — automating random processes won’t do much to improve your performance management procedures.

eLearning and Gamification

Learning is one of the most desired benefits for recruits. If you focus on adopting an innovative strategy in this area, you may lead by example.

Gamification and other eLearning options are rather popular these days, so you should consider them.

What is gamification?

As the term portends, it is the application of game elements in other contexts. In the context of eLearning, gamification focuses on certain game elements that can boost training. The three main standards of the approach are meaningfulness, conditioning, and communication. Gamification specifically targets the extrinsic motivation of the learner (in plain words:  external rewards).

Typical elements of gamification are points, badges, and leaderboards. Points identify progress, badges display achievements, and leaderboards are used for ranking.

Additional elements (optional) include progress bars, incentives, rewards for the milestones achieved, a narrative, feedback, and interactive elements.

Beyond gamification, you may want to consider augmented reality (AR) learning. Once reserved for musings of science fiction writers, AR has gone a long way to reach its present status. Even when we can’t see it, AR technology is all around us.

Augmented reality is a synthesis of the real world and computer-generated environments. AR apps interact with users, offering a rewarding user experience.

As AR apps overlap with other technologies, it’s not unusual for students to be able to use social media to send messages while learning.

Knowledge Management System   

Knowledge management systems are yet to earn their rightful place and no doubt will happen eventually. The current state of knowledge management and sharing is far from optimal but it’s still better than not doing anything. Conventional methods can document only ca. 20% of organizational knowledge.

It’s no rocket science that offering learning opportunities is simpler than managing knowledge, specifically in the case of large organizations.

Modern knowledge management systems bring together technology, organizational processes, and learners. Information is stored in a central location, meaning it’s easily accessible anywhere, anytime.  

Project Management Tools

When it comes to project management tools, options are close to endless.

There are so many apps that it’s impossible to compare them all. Thankfully, clients usually go for popular choices, so you may start there until you learn the ropes and come across a better solution.

Typically, businesses need to combine project management tools with communication tools and file management tools, for obvious reasons.

Pick the apps that integrate with others and focus on the following points: file sharing, task conversion, visualization, and unified inbox.

Keeping Track of New Tech

Considered here are some of the must-have apps, which we’re hoping you’ll find helpful. Additional ideas may come to mind but stick to simplicity.

Alas, it’s too easy to get lost in the variety, and not all software solutions are necessarily good solutions.

Since workplace digitalization is a trend that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, it’s perfectly valid to turn to other businesses for advice.

New tools keep popping up all the time and they make a point of including new trends. Keep an eye on the offer and adjust away.


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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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