When to Seek a Disability Lawyer

When to Seek a Disability Lawyer

What would you do if your ability to earn a living was suddenly taken away? The coronavirus pandemic forced millions of Americans to face that question head on. Millions more end up asking themselves that question when they become disabled.

The good news is that disabled individuals are eligible to apply for support. Filing a claim isn’t that straightforward, though, so you may need a disability lawyer to help.

Are you wondering if you should enlist the help of a legal expert? Read on to learn about three situations when hiring a good lawyer is paramount.

You’re Thinking About Filing for Disability

The term ‘disability’ can have different meanings based on the context. When talking about social security disability, the law is clear. A disability:

  • Prevents you from performing “substantial gainful” work
  • Is caused by physical or mental impairment
  • Has lasted (or will last) at least one year or is fatal

Does your current situation meet those qualifications? If so, then there’s a good chance that you’re considered ‘disabled’ by law. That also means you’re eligible for social security disability benefits.

If you’re considering filing a claim, you should get a lawyer. An attorney will help you navigate the challenges of getting the money you deserve.

You Were Denied Disability Benefits

On average, 63% of initial social security disability claims get denied. Only a minute fraction, 22%, get accepted on the applicant’s first try.

If you recently got denied, then don’t lost hope. Your denial only means that you need the help of disability lawyers you can trust. A good lawyer will identify any flaws in your initial application.

They’ll also do everything they can to make sure your next application gets approved.

Your Financial Situation is Dire

It seems counterintuitive to seek out a lawyer when you’re in a desperate financial spot. It isn’t, though! If your financial situation is dire, you need a skilled disability lawyer.

A good lawyer will understand and empathize with your situation. They’ll ensure that your case gets through the system as fast as possible. They’ll also give you advice if you’re facing a foreclosure or repossession situation.

Without a lawyers help, you’ll have to wait for a hearing. During Covid-19, that could mean waiting months or years before you get your day in court.

Moving Forward With a Disability Lawyer in 2021

Disabilities prevent you from earning an income, which hampers your independence. With the right support, you can still survive and thrive through 2021. If you’re struggling to get the support you deserve, then it’s time to hire a disability lawyer.

Qualified attorneys won’t leave you to fend for yourself. Instead, they’ll ensure you’re taken care of. Are you ready to move forward this year?

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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