Car Accident

What You Should Do After a Car Accident

A car accident can be a traumatic experience. The aftermath of a car accident can also be difficult, especially if you do not follow the proper procedure at the time. If you have been in a car accident, you should get the other driver’s info, document the scene, wait for the police, hire an attorney, and file an insurance claim with the attorney’s help.

Read on to learn more about what you should do in the aftermath of a car accident.

Get the Other Driver’s Info

After determining that you and the other people involved in the crash are okay, you should get the other driver’s information. This includes their insurance company and policy number as well as their name, address, and contact info. It’s very important that you do not admit fault, even if you think the accident may have been your fault. Don’t get into an argument with the other driver if they refuse to give you their info. Tempers can flare easily after a car accident, and you want to avoid a physical altercation.

Document the Scene

After getting the necessary info, you should document the scene. This includes taking pictures of your car, the other car, and the scene itself. For example, you may want to take photos of tire marks or of parts that have fallen off your car.

Speak to the Police

You should call the Phoenix Police Department and ask them to come to the scene of the crash (unless the other driver does so). When you are speaking to the police, it is important that you give them an honest account of what happened. However, you should not admit fault for the accident, even if you believe that it was your fault. Everything that you say to the police will be reported, so you need to be careful what you say.

Hire an Attorney

It is vital to hire one of the car accident lawyers in Phoenix. This is important even if the car accident is relatively minor. There are two main reasons for this.

First, there is a chance that the other driver will sue you. This can happen even if the other driver was clearly at fault. Many uninsured drivers will file a lawsuit against the other driver to try to get money for car repairs and medical expenses. Nearly 12% of drivers in Arizona are uninsured, so there is a real chance that this will happen to you.

They may feel that this is necessary because they won’t be getting any compensation from their insurance company. You will need a lawyer to defend you in this circumstance.

You will also need a lawyer when you file your insurance claim.

File an Insurance Claim

After hiring an attorney, you should file an insurance claim. A lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve when you have filed an insurance claim. Many insurance companies will make you a lowball offer, but an experienced attorney will help you negotiate so that you can get an acceptable offer.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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