What is a roof coating?

The roof is the most important part of any commercial or household building. It ensures that the building is protected from extreme weather conditions like heavy rain, snowfall, extreme heat, hailstorm, and other physical aspects. A well-maintained roof ensures longevity and lasting protection. A poorly maintained roof may lead to decreased efficiency and accounts for other fiscal as well as physical risks. Roof coating is, therefore, a necessary investment that provides added protection and extends the lifespan of the roof.

Just like we use different types of protection in different seasons, the roof also requires protection as it acts as a defense system from external conditions. If proper care and maintenance of the roof are not done from time to time, then the roof will start to deteriorate because of the usual wear and tear. The damage will significantly reduce a home’s efficiency and one can see a spike in their energy bill.

Roof coating involves repairing, patching, and coating paint-like fluid which includes resins that are made from engineered polymer solutions. The resins can be of acrylic, butyl, silicone, polyurethane, and other such binding elements. The coating has elastic properties that stretch and spread through all the areas of the roof. It fills up the cracks and holes that may be formed due to the constant wear and tear of the roof. Once the coating is done it forms a monolithic protective layer that protects the roof.

Benefits of Roof Coating:

1) Cost-effective: Roof coatings are more efficient than other roofing services. As it is the topmost layer of protection, installation, therefore, takes lesser time and reduces the labor cost as well the cost of materials required. Roof coating is just like applying paint on the surface to add extra protection; therefore it doesn’t require any demolition.

2) Saves time: Compared to traditional re-roofing or repairing, a roof coating is a much faster process. Professionally installed coating definitely extends the life span of the roof and it also requires lesser maintenance cost than re-roofing and repairing the damaged parts of the roof. 

3) Energy-saving: Effective roof coating will reduce the energy usage of the house. The reflective coat ensures that it keeps ultraviolet and infrared rays away from the house thus keeping the inside of the house much cooler inside the building. This effectively reduces the usage of air conditioners as the coating keeps the hot air out and a comfortable environment in the interior of the building.

4) Easy installation: The installation of roof coating is quick and easy. One doesn’t need to leave the building. The entire process usually just takes a day.  There is not much noise during the process. The traditional tear-off roof repair can take weeks or months which will add more cost to the project.

5) Sustainability: The coatings already have low maintenance costs. There is also lesser damage to the roof as well as the coating because of its durability. Therefore the roof is usually required to be re-coated every 10+ years which ensures a longer life for the roof. One can renew the layer according to their choice or by taking advice from the professionals. These options can improve the waterproofing as well as the reflective capabilities of the roof for years to come.

Final Words:

Roofs have to be continuously maintained like machines; they are like a defense system from external weather conditions and keep the people in the building safe and sound. Timely maintenance is crucial to increase the efficiency of the roof and avoid unnecessarily increased costs of repair and replacement due to negligence.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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