What About You Meaning in Hindi

“What About You” Meaning in Hindi: Your Guide to More Engaging Conversations

Have you ever been talking to someone, shared your thoughts or plans, and then realized you haven’t heard their perspective? That’s where the phrase “what about you” comes in. It’s a simple yet powerful way to shift the conversation and invite the other person to share their opinion or experience.

This blog post will tell you what about you meaning in Hindi, offering a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to improve their conversational skills.

What About You Meaning in Hindi

Before exploring the Hindi translation, let’s dissect the purpose behind “what about you” in English. It can be used in several ways:

  • Seeking Another’s Opinion: You’ve expressed your view and want to know how the other person feels.
  • Inviting Participation: You’re encouraging the other person to share their own thoughts or experiences related to the topic.
  • Shifting the Focus: You want to move the conversation from solely your perspective to a more balanced exchange.

There’s no single perfect translation for “what about you” in Hindi. The most appropriate phrase depends on the context and desired level of formality. Here are some common options:

  • आप क्या सोचते हैं? (Aap Kya Sochte Hain?) – This translates to “What do you think?” and is a formal way to ask someone’s opinion.
  • अच्छा तुम अपना बताओ …. ?? (Accha Tum Apna Batao…?) – This is a more informal way, similar to “So, tell me what you think…”
  • आपके बारे में क्या ख़याल है? (Aapke Baare Mein Kya Khayal Hai?) – This translates to “What’s your opinion on this?” and works well in both formal and informal settings.
  • आपका क्या कहना है? (Aapka Kya Kehna Hai?) – This means “What do you have to say?” and is a neutral way to invite someone’s input.

Using “What About You” Effectively in Hindi Conversations

Knowing the translations is a good starting point, but using “what about you” effectively in Hindi conversations requires cultural nuance. Here are some tips:

  • Read the Room: Consider the formality of the situation and your relationship with the person. Choose a phrase that aligns with the context.
  • Body Language Matters: Maintain eye contact and use an open, inviting posture when asking “what about you” in Hindi.
  • Active Listening: When the other person shares their perspective, truly listen and respond thoughtfully.

Examples of Using “What About You” in Hindi Conversations

To illustrate the practical application of “what about you” in Hindi conversations, let’s explore a few scenarios:

Formal Setting

You’re in a meeting discussing a new project proposal. After presenting your ideas, you turn to your colleague and ask, “यह नया प्रस्ताव संभावित लगता है। आप क्या सोचते हैं, श्री गुप्ता?” (This new proposal seems promising. What do you think, Mr. Gupta?)

Informal Setting

You’re catching up with a friend over chai and samosas. They’ve just shared their plans for an upcoming trip. You lean in and ask, “वाह, यह सुनने में मजेदार लग रहा है! अच्छा, तुम अपना बताओ, कहाँ जा रहे हो?” (Wow, that sounds exciting! So, tell me, where are you going?)

Seeking Opinions

You and your family are debating which movie to watch on movie night. After offering your suggestion, you turn to your sibling and inquire, “फिल्म की समीक्षा अलग-अलग थी। आपके बारे में क्या ख़याल है, आपने मजा लिया?” (The movie reviews were mixed. What’s your opinion, did you enjoy it?)

Expanding Your Conversational Toolkit

While “what about you” is a versatile tool in your conversational arsenal, there are myriad ways to keep the dialogue flowing and the connection deepening. Let’s explore some additional phrases and strategies:

“Aur Batao…” (Tell me more…)

When you want to encourage the other person to elaborate on their point of view or share additional details, this phrase comes in handy. It’s a gentle prompt that invites them to dive deeper into the conversation.

“Yeh Kaisi Baat Hui!” (Wow, that’s interesting!)

Expressing genuine interest and enthusiasm can go a long way in fostering meaningful connections. Use this phrase to convey your engagement with the conversation and your appreciation for what the other person has shared.

“Sach?” (Really?)

Sometimes, a simple expression of surprise or curiosity can spark further dialogue. By saying “Sach?” you’re indicating that you’re genuinely interested in what the other person has said and would like to know more.

Making Conversations More Engaging

Effective communication is a two-way street, requiring active participation from both parties. Here are some additional tips for making your conversations in Hindi more engaging and enriching:

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Instead of asking questions with yes or no answers, try posing open-ended questions that invite the other person to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in greater detail.

Share Your Experiences

Conversation is a reciprocal exchange, so don’t hesitate to share your own stories, anecdotes, and insights. By opening up about your experiences, you create opportunities for connection and empathy.

Be an Active Listener

Listening is a skill that requires practice and intentionality. When you’re engaged in a conversation, focus on truly understanding the other person’s perspective, rather than just waiting for your turn to speak.

FAQs About What About You Meaning in Hindi

Let’s address some common questions about the phrase “what about you” and its usage in Hindi conversations:

1. What does “what about you” mean in Hindi?

The phrase “what about you” in Hindi is often translated as “Aap kya sochte hain?” or “आप क्या सोचते हैं?” It’s a way of asking someone for their opinion or perspective on a topic after sharing your own thoughts.

2. How do I use “what about you” in a formal setting in Hindi?

In a formal setting, you can use “what about you” by saying something like, “Aapke baare mein kya khayal hai?” which translates to “What’s your opinion on this?” This phrase maintains a respectful tone while inviting the other person to share their viewpoint.

3. Can I use “what about you” informally in Hindi conversations?

Yes, you can use “what about you” informally in Hindi conversations. A more relaxed way to say it would be, “Accha tum apna batao…” which translates to “So, tell me what you think…” This approach maintains a friendly atmosphere while encouraging the other person to share.

4. How can I encourage someone to share their thoughts in Hindi?

To encourage someone to share their thoughts in Hindi, you can use phrases like “Aur batao…” which means “Tell me more…” or “Yeh kaisi baat hui!” which translates to “Wow, that’s interesting!” These expressions show your interest in what the other person has to say and encourage them to open up.

5. Is there a neutral way to ask for someone’s input in Hindi?

Yes, if you’re looking for a neutral way to ask for someone’s input in Hindi, you can use the phrase “Aapka kya kehna hai?” which means “What do you have to say?” This is a straightforward and respectful way to invite someone to share their perspective without imposing any bias.


In conclusion, understanding what about you meaning in Hindi is more than just knowing its translation. It’s about building real connections and making room for mutual sharing. By grasping the subtle aspects of the phrase, using it wisely, and trying out other conversation skills, you can improve your ability to connect with Hindi speakers.

While this guide gives you a good start, the true learning happens through practice. So, take every chance to chat in Hindi, try different ways to involve others in conversation, and appreciate the cultural insights you gain along the way.

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Khizer Tariq

Khizer Tariq

Articles: 46