Injury Investigations

Injury Investigations: Do I Get Paid if I Get Injured at Work?

Accidents happen and if you are injured at work, you may be left wondering whether or not you will still get paid. The last thing you want to worry about is whether or not you can pay your bills while you are recovering.

The good news is that you are most likely to still get paid after getting hurt. However, it is unlikely that you will be paid the full amount.

So when you get injured at work you are entitled to workmen’s compensation; but what exactly are you entitled to? In addition, what are your rights if you get injured? We’ll go over the basics so that you know your rights in the event of an emergency.

What Benefits Do I Receive If I Get Injured at Work?

First off, let’s explore the most common benefits available after a work injury.

The first and foremost question about workmen’s compensation that people ask is: “Do I get paid if I’m injured?”

If an injury causes you to miss more than three days of work, then on the fourth day you will begin to be paid until you are cleared to work again. While common, this also may vary by state.

This means that the initial three days will not be paid for. You are entitled to a weekly payment covering the fourth day and every day after. However, if your injury causes you to miss over 14 days of work, the initial three days will also be included.

But you may be asking, “If I get injured at work, when can I expect my first payment?” Typically, your first payment will be issued eleven days following your injury.

If you suffer from an injury of a more permanent nature then you will be entitled to higher pay and for a longer period of time. This will depend highly on the type of injury you sustained.

Knowing Your Rights

Aside from understanding the extent of your payments, it is also important to know your other rights under workmen’s compensation.

While many simple injuries, like a broken bone or something of the like, are relatively straightforward, some cases require a lawyer. A lawyer will help you in some of the more tricky areas, including the timeline for reporting an injury or how long an employer has to accept or deny an injury claim.

While doing your research and educating yourself on your rights is important, sometimes it is best to keep in mind some questions to ask your lawyer as well.

The Basics of Workmen’s Compensation

Hopefully, now you have an answer for “what happens if I get injured at work?” It is important to know the basics so you take the right steps if you ever fall to an injury.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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