Save Time and Money During a Divorce in Ohio

How to Save Time and Money During a Divorce in Ohio

No two divorces are the same. The conditions that lead to a couple filing for divorce are uniquely different for every divorcing couple. However, two aspects are intrinsic to getting a divorce, regardless of the circumstances leading up to it. Those are the complexity of the process and the overwhelming cost of divorce that often drains a person emotionally and financially.

By familiarizing yourself with some basic information about the rules and regulations followed within the state, you will better navigate the divorce process. Most importantly, you will find a way to save your valuable time and hard-earned money from being wasted on a prolonged and complex process that is also psychologically a painful experience for anyone to go through.

The grounds for divorce in Ohio

Ohio permits both fault-based and no-fault divorces. A large portion of divorcing spouses decide to go the route of no-fault divorce. That is because there is no requirement for the couple to provide a detailed account of ‘who did what’ in a no-fault divorce.

– No-fault divorce

There is no obligation to present proof of fault by either spouse in a no-fault divorce. There are two no-fault grounds for divorce:

  • Living separate and apart for a minimum of one year.
  • Incompatibility issues, also known as irreconcilable differences. This ground implies that the spouses don’t get along and no longer want to be married.

– Fault-based divorce

There are multiple grounds for divorce accepted by the state of Ohio that fall into this category, including:

  • Adultery;
  • Neglect of responsibilities by a spouse towards another;
  • Fraud or misrepresented used to sway the other spouse into marriage;
  • Abandonment/Absence of a spouse for a minimum of one year;
  • Extremely cruel behavior or conduct towards the other spouse;
  • Habitual intoxication or drunkenness;
  • Felony conviction leading to prison time.

The distinction between Marriage Dissolution and Divorce

Dissolution of marriage is different from getting a divorce in Ohio. A no-fault divorce is a form of dissolution of marriage, as it usually is a cordial and cooperative process of filing for divorce. It involves the formulation of a settlement agreement for legal separation by the divorcing spouses. The agreement contains all the terms and conditions of the separation, which both spouses have agreed to.

However, in the case of a divorce, it is a contested, fault-based process that the couple pursues in court. In a contested divorce, the court decides the conditions of separation for the couple. Even though both dissolution of marriage and divorce separate a couple legally, they differ immensely in terms of the complications involved in the processes and the overall cost.

Why should you be aiming for dissolution instead of divorce?

You may find yourself in circumstances that make it impossible for you to avoid getting a contested divorce. But if possible, you should do your best to go the route of no-fault, uncontested divorce (the dissolution of marriage).

The majority of couples in Ohio file divorce papers asking for a no-fault dissolution of marriage. The primary reason behind this choice is to lower the cost of divorce and prevent conflicts that usually permeate a contested divorce trial.

Among the struggles that await couples pursuing divorce by trial includes:

  • The negative or harmful emotional and psychological effect it has on children and other family members. This includes the spouses themselves, who are forced to keep living the painful memories throughout the trial.
  • A trial is an immense financial commitment. Lawyer’s fees and court expenses and add up to well over $15,000 in contested cases.
  • There is no accounting for the time you will lose attending court dates. This time could have used to start already picking up the pieces of your life and moving on.
  • By avoiding a contested divorce, you will be opening the door of alternative options for you to apply for divorce, and these ways are far more cost-effective and time-saving than the traditional divorce proceedings.

Conditions for getting an uncontested or no-fault divorce in Ohio

In order to get an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse will have to work out the following issues:

  • Alimony or spousal support
  • Property division

And if you have children, then apart from the above, you will also have to work out the following issues with your spouse:

  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Visitation rights
  • Parental responsibilities
  • And other important child-related issues

If you and your spouse agree on all of the aforementioned issues, you are eligible to pursue any of the alternative routes explained below.

Alternatives to conventional divorce

There are several alternatives to choose from if you are contemplating filing for divorce in Ohio. But keep in mind that in order to file for divorce in Ohio without an attorney, regardless of whether it’s an online divorce or DIY divorce, it should be an uncontested, no-fault divorce.

How quickly you can complete your divorce process will depend on how well you can cooperate with your spouse. If you are able to work out your issues and arrive at an agreement regarding all the major aspects of the separation, you can choose from the options below to save time and money.

1. DIY divorces

DIY divorce or Do-It-Yourself divorce is a good alternative to conventional divorce, as it allows you to proceed without an attorney, and hence, lower your cost of divorce. But the only problem with this approach is that you will have to do everything by yourself, which could create issues.

For instance, without any assistance, figuring out how to prepare the accurate documentation and paperwork for your divorce can be tricky. You may have to do a deep dive and get informed about every aspect of Ohio divorce law to navigate the entire process without making any mistakes. Usually, couples with minor children and marital property are recommended to avoid this alternative because the process can become too complex and overwhelming to tackle alone.

2. Online Divorce

Online divorce combines the best of both worlds. You get the guidance and assistance you need to navigate the process, just like you would get from a lawyer, but you can undertake the complete divorce online in the confines of your home by yourself. So this is also like a DIY divorce, with the advantage of you having the support of experts who will guide you throughout the entire process.

Divorce over the internet is done by competent top online divorce companies. The online divorce firm will provide you with divorce papers and other relevant documents specific to your circumstances. The firm will also provide you with detailed instructions regarding how you should proceed with filing the completed documents.

Why should I choose online divorce?

There are some clear benefits of getting an online divorce in Ohio.

  • A competent online divorce agency will provide you with the paperwork necessary for your case, completed based on your circumstances and location, along with detailed instructions regarding how to file the documents with the court. Hence, internet divorce is not as tricky as DIY divorce because you have support.
  • Online divorce is far more cost-effective and affordable than hiring a lawyer. Lawyers usually charge by the hour, and their fees can easily go over $2500 even for an uncontested case. Online divorce services usually run from $139 – $1000. Hence, by going for an internet divorce, you will save money. Not to mention, you will be avoiding the burdening and expenses you otherwise would have to bear in the case of a conventional divorce process.
  • You will be able to undertake all divorce paperwork preparation online, from the comfort of your home. This is far more convenient and hassle-free than taking time off work to make extra visits to the court and attend meetings with attorneys.
  • The online divorce process is a lot less contentious than conventional divorce. Therefore, there is less stress.


If you and your spouse have agreed to go the route of an uncontested divorce or dissolution of marriage, your best bet is to pursue an online divorce. The online firm will provide you with all the relevant documents completed based on your case’s details and guide you on how to file them with your local county courthouse. And the best part is you will be able to do it at a fraction of the cost, without an attorney.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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