
How to Increase your Facebook Page Likes

How to get more likes on Facebook? Every business owner or marketer wants an answer to this question. In 2020, the hype for organic reach is real. If you want to learn some strategies to increase your Facebook page likes Australia, continue reading.

Facebook is a major social media network, with over 2.7 billion worldwide users. Around 40 million small businesses are using this platform to promote their brand. More prominent brands like Samsung and Coca-Cola are also taking full advantage of this platform. However, to stand out from the crowd, you need to have enough likes on your page.

Importance of Facebook Page Likes

We emphasized the need for more likes on your Facebook page earlier. But why is it important? Whether you are using Facebook for self-promoting, to grow your brand, or to become a famous influencer, the number of likes plays a vital role. Here, we have mentioned some benefits of Facebook page likes.

  • If you have more likes, more people will know about your brand. Raise brand awareness by increasing your Facebook page likes.
  • More page likes will help you gain social proof.
  • Once you have enough Facebook likes, you will find more potential customers.
  • People that liked your page will also help you in increasing your website traffic.
  • More page likes Increase the chances of your news feed visibility.
  • It helps in expanding your reach.
  • It will lead to more effective advertising. Facebook has a record of all your like activity. This data will later help in creating highly-targeted ads.

10 Easy Ways to Increase your Facebook Likes

1.  Post Engaging Content

Give your viewers a reason to like your page. Post engaging and unique content that they won’t find elsewhere. When people see eye-catchy content on your page, most of them will like your page for sure.

Also, don’t forget to pin your amazing posts at the top of your page. Pin informative and engaging content at the top so that people will be more interested in liking your page.

2.  Complete your profile

Your profile is the center of attraction. More people will like your page if they find your profile interesting. Add an attention-grabbing profile picture and cover photo. Make sure to write interesting stuff about your brand in the description. These little things will have a significant impact as these are the first things people notice when they visit your page.

3.  Facebook Invite Button

Do you know that you can also invite people to like your page? Yes, you heard it right. Try to invite people that might be interested in your brand. However, you can only send an invitation to around 500 people per day. If you cross the limit, you might get temporarily blocked by Facebook. Inviting people is a great way to boost your number of likes.

4.  Run Facebook Ads

Running ads is one of the most prominent ways to expand your reach. Through Facebook ads, you will be able to target people according to their location, age, gender, and interests. That way, you will attract a more engaging audience that will like and follow your page. Facebook ads will help you increase the visibility of your brand.

5.  Contests and Giveaways

Contest and giveaways are another great way to increase your Facebook page likes. Invest a little and grab the attention of many people. If you host a giveaway and tell people to like your page, as a rule, you will get many likes on your page. Many brands run contests to get more engagement and increase their likes.

6.  Collaborate With an Influencer

Influencer marketing is snowballing. Many brands and businesses collaborate or send PRs to famous influencers to become visible and expand their reach. Find and collaborate with a well-known influencer within your industry. By doing so, the audience of that influencer will also know about your brand.

7.  Hashtags

Hashtags are and will always be a great way to maximize your growth. Many people think hashtags are for Instagram and Twitter. But you can also use hashtags on Facebook and reach higher audiences. Add trending hashtags relevant to your content in your posts and watch your page get more likes.

8.  Video Content for the Win

Want to take your content strategy to the next level? Are you struggling to attract more attention? If you’ve not put in efforts to create amazing video content, you’re missing out on the opportunity to get more likes and follows.

Video marketing is the future of content marketing. Many marketers claim that video helps in increasing traffic. People are more likely to engage with fun and unique video content. Post more videos on your page and increase your likes.

9.  Engage with your community

Engaging with your community gives you a huge advantage. Along with responding to their questions and replying to their comments, try to build a strong relationship with them. The more you engage, the more connected they will feel. And they will actively engage with your content and support with your brand.

Besides that, the Facebook algorithm prioritizes engagement. A Facebook page with an engaged community will probably get more likes.

10.                   Be Consistent

No one would want to follow a dead or inactive Facebook page. Try to upload content every day and be more active on Facebook. If you post every day and use the strategies mentioned above, your chances to grow fast will be higher. Give more content that people can look up to. blog is full of such guides to help you grow faster on all major social media networks. You can never get prosperous overnight. However, if you are consistent and work hard, you can increase your Facebook page likes much faster.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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