How to choose the right call center outsourcing service provider?

There is no doubt that call centers have now become the basic need of all businesses regardless of industry, culture, or country. It does a lot more than just respond to your customers and resolve their problems. According to Harvard Business Review: 80% of organizations utilize customer satisfaction metrics to assess and enhance customer experience.  And call centers can be proved to be the major improver of customer experience. Though many of you will not agree that outsourced administrative support or call center support can drastically change your business, you might not have realized the true benefits of great outsourcing. This is because of wrong decision-making. If you are looking for a guide for choosing the right service provider, we have a detailed analysis of your problem. Let’s further dig into that! 

This question has no definitive answer. It all depends on your requirements. However, there are certain criteria that are a “must-have” in any call center outsourcing partner.  So here you go with a checklist. Just stick it out if you find the attribute that we are mentioning. Try to get as many features as possible in a single partner.


To help you get started, we’ve developed a list of checkpoints that have been identified based on the most prevalent issues that businesses encounter these days for choosing a BPO company.

1- Compatibility Check with Your Business:

Evaluate whether your service provider is fully competent for your business by finding how much call volume capacity they have and how much traffic your business is likely to receive. Will they be equipped to handle your clients? because we never know when we will start getting more business.

The second factor to check is whether or not the service provider you intend to hire has domain knowledge. Other than inbound and outbound calling experience, understanding your company’s industry is required. Domain expertise is necessary to formulate the problem if arises.  

Try to predict your customer cultures, as well as the outsourced teams in order to obtain an understanding of their language and timezone. And check whether they can keep your clients entertained. In terms of timezone, try to have your business operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, choose a team that is active during your leisure. so that your company operates throughout the day

2- Check for Adaptability:

In this competitive world, as time passes we all need updating, upgrading, and some deletion. Otherwise, we risk losing our position, therefore keep an eye out to assure that your outsourcing partner is able to adapt to new changes before contracting them. Explore their timeline (mostly given on websites under the about section). This will give you an idea of where they started and where they are now. Also, request a list of tools and technologies from them. High-quality hardware, up-to-date IVRs, cloud-based CRM software with antivirus protection, and real-time monitoring, controlling, and reporting capabilities are required.

3- Client Testimonials and Success Stories:

Request the client’s case study or even question about how many repeat sales they have! These recurrent success stories will grant you credibility and perhaps social proof.

4- Cost VS Quality Matrix:

Examine your budget. And invest in areas where you expect a higher return on investment. Also, with adequate research, ensure that you acquire the greatest quality. There are a few call center quality matrices that you must evaluate. This includes:

  1. Call abandonment %: It means their customers are not much satisfied with the services due to a long time of call hold. It should be kept to a minimum.
  1. Blocked Calls %: The calls usually get blocked when the call center is less equipped either with fewer resources or less efficient call handling software.
  1. Average Waiting time: It again needs to be much lower. Otherwise, it would leave an adverse lasting impact on your customers because they will not be able to reach customer care in time of need.  
  1. ASA: It refers to the Average Speed of Answers and on average it is considered 28 seconds globally. If it is below the average, that partner is not much recommended.   
  1. AHT: It is an acronym for the Average Handle Time.  It should be moderate. A high AHT time implies that the agent is taking an excessive amount of time to process a call. He may be having some difficulties while dealing. A low AHT indicates that the agent is in a rush time and may be unable to satisfy the customers.


I hope we have covered enough to get you started in your hunt for the perfect BPO company. If you have evaluated that you will recruit the best call center staff, keep Ideasunlimited in mind for this responsibility. We are not only experienced with call centers but we also provide outsourced eCommerce customer services, multilingual support, and a lot more. Work with our skilled call center support staff to improve your customer service center. With all of the aforementioned attributes and even more, we have assisted recognized businesses from the start-up stage to worldwide development. Contact us today to get a custom solution for your business.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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