Best Car Accident Lawyers for You

Best Car Accident Lawyers for You

Every year, more than 3 million people get injured in car accidents in the United States alone. If you’re one of them, you know that getting a fair settlement from an insurance company isn’t always easy.

Sometimes, the only way to get the money you deserve is to go to court. And that means you’ll need to find an experienced attorney to represent your case.

So, how can you make sure you find the best car accident lawyers to represent you when there are so many to choose from? Follow these tips and you’ll be able to find a legal professional in no time.

Ask the People You Know for Recommendations

The best place to start looking for car accident lawyers is to speak with the people you know and trust. Ask your friends, family, and co-workers for recommendations.

The chances are good that someone in your personal network or theirs will know of at least one attorney that can help you with your case.

If they don’t have any recommendations, you can search online for experienced auto accident lawyers in your area. Just make sure to choose an attorney that’s based in your town. This way, you won’t have to worry about their experience with local laws or have to drive for hours just to meet with them.

Focus on Their Experience

Once you have a few names in mind, look at the types of law they focus on. Believe it or not, some accident injury lawyers won’t focus on car accidents. Instead, they concentrate on other types of personal injury cases.

Look for attorneys that specialize in helping with car accident cases. Then, look at the amount of experience they have working on those cases.

Pay attention to the years of experience they have, not just the age of the law firm. Remember, a new firm may have attorneys with decades of experience on staff.

Schedule Consultations With Several Accident Lawyers

Before you choose an attorney, you’ll want to schedule consultations with several legal experts in your area. Think of these consultations as a chance for the attorney to learn more about your case and a chance for you to learn more about their expertise.

During the consultations, each car accident lawyer should take the time to learn about the details of your case. They should ask questions to make sure they fully understand your situation and your concerns.

If the attorney doesn’t ask questions or you feel that you’re driving the conversation, it’s best to keep looking.

Try to also pay attention to the attorney’s demeanor. Do they put you at ease or do you feel uncomfortable being open with them? If so, keep looking.  

Make Sure You’re Comfortable With Their Fees

Different attorneys bill you for their time in different ways. Some charge by the hour with rates that can be as high as several hundred dollars. The best car accident attorneys charge on a contingency basis.

This means they only get paid if they win your case. Instead of charging an hourly rate, they’ll receive a percentage of your settlement if they win in court. This means you won’t have to worry about coming up with the cash up front and can instead focus on covering the cost of your recovery.

Keep in mind that it’s still important to shop around and find out how much different attorneys will charge. Choose the attorney that you can most realistically afford.

Know Who Will Represent Your Case

Just because you meet with a specific attorney to discuss your case doesn’t mean you’ll work with them. Some attorneys allocate personal injury and car accident cases to newer lawyers at the firm.

Before you agree to work with an attorney, make sure you know who will be working on your case. If they plan on assigning your case to someone else, see if you can meet your actual legal team. This will help you make a better and more informed decision.

Keep in mind that the best attorneys won’t assign your case to someone else. They’ll handle it themselves. This allows you to leverage their experience and increases the likelihood of getting the best settlement possible.

Discuss Their Success Rate

Believe it or not, you’re allowed to ask each attorney about their success rate. Use this to your advantage and find out how many cases like yours they’ve represented. Then, ask about how many of those cases they’ve won for their clients.

Unfortunately, no attorney will win every case they take on. But the best attorneys should have a proven history of winning cases like yours.

You can and should also ask about the types of settlements their clients received. The numbers they state should be realistic. If an attorney tells you that they’ve won millions of dollars for clients involved in minor accidents, it’s probably too good to be true.

Research Their Reputation in Detail

Once you have an attorney in mind, research their reputations thoroughly. Ask them for references and follow up with those references before you let them represent you.

The best attorneys should have an extensive list of previous clients that are willing to discuss their experience with you.

You should also research their reputations online. Read up on any reviews you find and see what most people have to say. If most of the reviews sing the attorney’s praises, you’ll likely have a great experience.

Choose a Car Accident Attorney You Can Trust

There are hundreds of experienced accident lawyers that can represent your case. But that doesn’t mean choosing the right attorney for your needs will be easy.

Follow these key tips and you’ll be able to find an attorney you can trust in no time. Just make sure you’re comfortable with their experience, their personality, and their fees before you sign on the dotted line.

Looking for more tips to help you better navigate the legal system and give you a better understanding of your accident case? Check out our latest posts.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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