Benefits of Outdoor Learning

This guide gives you some tips on how you can incorporate the outdoors to enhance your virtual learning experience.

This year many people have begun virtual learning for the first time. It may not be the same as a traditional classroom, but it can be just as effective. However, there are some unique challenges that virtual learning poses. Most of these can be offset by incorporating the great outdoors into your curriculum.

 Virtual Learning Struggles 

Do not despair if virtual learning is frustrating at first. Any change in life takes some adjustment to get used to it. Therefore, virtual learning is no different. The following factors can be challenging in this environment.

Attention and Engagement:

Students have an easier time learning in a traditional classroom most of the time. It is easier for them to remain engaged throughout the day. Keeping the attention of students in a virtual environment can be uniquely challenging.

Internet Quality:

The biggest hurdle for many students is getting access to quality internet. Without useful quality internet, virtual learning is an exercise in frustration. Unfortunately, this adds to the monthly expenses of many students.

 Virtual Learning Tips 

If you feel that you need help to get started with virtual learning, do not feel ashamed. These following tips should help you get through the beginning with a little less complicated process.

Top Virtual Learning Tips

  • Take Breaks
  • Engage with Students
  • Spend Time Outdoors

Keeping Students Engaged:

The number one hurdle for most teachers is to keep their students engaged and focused. We have found that spending time outdoors is a great way to improve student engagement. It allows students to take a break and recharge. Plus, there are plenty of benefits to spending time outside. Everything from the mind to the body benefit from spending time outside.

Virtual Learning in an Outdoor Environment

Virtual learning is a lot different than learning in a virtual environment. That does not mean it is ineffective. There are some difficulties people commonly experience. However, with the right preparations, you should be able to overcome them. Spending more time outside can help improve your learning experience and give you several other key benefits. It will improve your physical health and mental health.

 Benefits of the Outdoors while Virtual Learning 

Spending time outside is the most natural and healthy thing you can do. The human body is adapted to spend time outside. Exposure to the sun even makes your skin produce vitamin D.


The sun is one of nature’s most potent antidepressants. It allows you to refresh, relax and it can brighten your mood. Encourage your students to take a break and soak up some sun. You might be impressed with the difference it makes to their mental health.


It is quite challenging to maintain your attention for a long time. It can be even more difficult for a child. Regular breaks can help make it easier for both the students and the teachers. After you spend too much time sedentary, it becomes increasingly difficult to pay attention to soft material. It is important to take a few breaks off the usual school routine.

Physical Activity:

Physical activity is essential and beneficial. If we are not active, our bodies naturally break down. It also assist in developing brain. If you are having a hard time, consider going outside and exercising. It can make it much less challenging to stay engaged with your learning process afterward.

Lower Expenses:

Besides the break from the florescent lights,  and the vitamin D for your mental health another great benefit of outdoor learning is a lower Peco utility bill. Since you are going outside more often, you will not need to use electricity as much, which could cut your utility bill by as much as 50%.

Virtual learning has its struggles but it you feel like you are hitting a wall try taking a break from the indoors and do some learning outside. Especially now that the weather is nicer it might be a nice change of pace for both the parents and students.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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