Onboarding Military

Benefits of Onboarding Military Veterans: Qualities That Make Them Excellent Employees

Hiring military veterans boosts your company’s recruitment and retention programs. Many people enlist in the military right out of high school or college. After years of military service, their civilian employment experiences may not correlate to your current job requirements. Don’t overlook the numerous benefits that hiring a veteran can bring to your organization. Here are some qualities you will likely hire when you onboard a military veteran.


Most military veterans want to work when they return to civilian life. They have dedicated their lives to service and are motivated to improve the world after they retire. An applicant may provide you with their military experience and free employment verification for Uber drivers report. This shows employers that the candidates have been actively working.


Veterans learn a significant amount of discipline in the military. They learn early on to listen to their leaders and follow directions when given. In addition, veterans are masters of self-discipline. They understand that meeting regulations gives them growth opportunities. You can trust that veterans are efficient and have the discipline to complete tasks as assigned. When those skills are observed by their peers, your entire staff often learns that self-discipline.


Honesty and integrity are instilled into a servicemember. They learn early on that their word is valuable. In addition, veterans will report perceived infractions of their colleagues through proper management channels. This integrity protects your company’s confidential business information. Peers learn to recognize that their co-worker is trustworthy and sincere.

Organizational Skills

While you may need to provide training on various job-related skills, your new hire will have excellent organizational skills. They are typically excellent project managers. They understand how to break a project down into individual processes and how to assign those tasks to appropriate team members. They are also familiar with the post-project analysis.


Due to the global nature of their military service, veterans work well with all individuals regardless of their ethnic background, religious preference, or gender. They encourage unity between colleagues of different physical or mental capabilities. Veterans serve as dynamic leaders, embracing diversification and inclusion in the workforce.

Financial Benefits

In addition to the soft skills that military veterans bring to your workforce, there are many financial advantages to recruiting these individuals. The Department of Labor has a comprehensive list of programs that help you offset the costs of onboarding a veteran. Your local Small Business Administration chapter can also help you find resources for your business. If you operate as a veteran-owned small business, SBA can help you obtain funding.

Other Considerations

The benefits of recruiting military veterans outweigh the few challenges you may experience. Some candidates may have difficulty transitioning into the civilian workforce. A mentoring program can give your employees a point of contact to answer questions or discuss their experiences. In addition, some applicants may have physical or mental disabilities that require accommodations. While you may not ask specifically about these injuries, you can inquire about accommodations. The Americans with Disabilities Act protects applicants and employees from discrimination.

Creating a sound veteran recruitment strategy is important for businesses of all sizes. By actively onboarding these individuals, you will experience significant growth opportunities for your business.


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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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