6 Tips to Quickly Enhance Your Academic Essay Writing Skills

Academic essay writing is an easy technique to learn and produce, and it only requires one to understand the fundamentals of writing an essay. When writing the essay, it’s essential to build a solid, debatable thesis with relevant proof to support it. The writer can generate information from other sources or do research.

There are stipulated guidelines that one needs to follow when writing the essay. To create valuable and persuasive papers, you need to understand the essential fundamentals for writing an essay, even if you’re under pressure to deliver on time.

A thesis statement is one of the components of an essay. If you are unable to craft a strong thesis statement, you may use a free online thesis statement generator.

Create an Outline and Understand what You Want To Write Before You Commence the Writing

As you plan to write an essay, ensure that you understand all the details of what you want to talk about. The best way to start is by creating a basic outline with the entire paper’s essential details.

Starting in this manner will help you lay a clear foundation from the start to the end and stay focused. The most important thing is to ensure all the elements included in your outline give your thesis a good flow of information and be easy to read.

A word counter site can help you stay within the required word count for your academic essay.

The introduction part needs to show the thesis. Include separate paragraphs in the body of the essay and as you write, give the evidence that backs it up. Also, write a concise ending that gives a clear connection to the entire thesis. An excellent academic essay needs to have a proper guideline inclusive of at least three concrete points to back up your thesis. This gives clear evidence that supports your source of information.

Have a Proper Understanding of the Writing Style, Basic Grammar and Punctuation

To produce an excellent thesis, you need to acquire necessary basic writing skills such as punctuation, grammatical skill, and style. Do due diligence to acquire basic grammar before you begin writing the essay.

These fundamental elements will help you to produce a grammatical-error-free paper. Some of the areas to master are the verb, easy to read, and well-structured sentences. Others include a subject agreement and how to use a pronoun in the article.

Additionally, ensure that you know how to use punctuation. Commas and periods need to be used properly throughout your thesis. For instance, know where to place colons, semicolons, question marks, dashes, quotation marks, and exclamation marks.

Lastly, when writing an academic essay, ensure you focus on active voice rather than passive as much as you can. It’s because an active voice describes actions, uses fewer words, and makes the thesis precise and efficient.

When the narrative flows well, it makes the reading more engaging. It also cleans up sentences and helps you to avoid grammatical errors. [For instance, an active voice that says “the student will finish the work in two hours” sounds better and gives more meaning than “the work will be finished in two hours’ time”]. A more assertive tone in your essay makes the whole piece easy and enjoyable to read.

Let your language be straight to the point. Linking words is also another thing to avoid. It includes unnecessary words that water down your strong points.

Learn How To Use Vocabulary. Understand When and Where to Use the Words and Know the


Language is a crucial element in academic essay writing. As you write the essay, don’t forget that you want the best outcome and strong backing to show that you are the expert. Your aim should be to persuade and convince others that you can do it.

It’s important to use facts instead of using big words to prove a point. In this case, your essay comes out well-structured and relevant.

Using big words can make the whole point meaningless and create a negative perception of your writing skills. Someone can quickly know that you do not understand the basics of essay writing.

Even though you may want to sound smart, it might end up the opposite of what you expected. It’s better to avoid using words that you do not understand instead of misusing them.

Using the right vocabulary improves reading comprehension, makes you an effective communicator with expressive, easy to read sentences. It also makes your writing effective and with a formal tone.

Additionally, avoid using a language that is not well known. It can complicate your argument and make the paper essay lose its meaning. Some of the terms you use may be well known to you but can sound more complicated or meaningless to others.

Remember, you’re writing with the focus to give clear information and educate but not to impress. Keep this in mind before you begin writing your thesis, not to turn your writing capability into something else.

Comprehend On Your Argument and Provide a Verdict of Your Research

When writing an academic essay, you need to provide persuasive information to back up each argument with evidence. Sometimes, you might want to pass some exciting details to your main points, but that can make your writing ineffective.

Develop the ability to critically analyze every detail and question it if it directly supports your thesis. Train your brain to give you proof, and if you do not have the answer, or if you’re not convinced, you need to exclude it. Avoid making assumptions no matter how obvious or genuine you think your argument is.

Remain critical and thorough as you evaluate your evidence. Doing this will help your essay come out stronger, no matter the objections. Therefore, ensure you use substantial research to support your thesis. There needs to be a connection between your topic and argument to give an unbiased, rounded view of your thesis.

Understand How to Give a Concise Conclusion to Back up Your Research

The conclusion part is one of the most overlooked areas of academic essay writing. It summarizes the body of the essay and shows your research to support your thesis. Your conclusion should not restate your introduction or a duplicate of the body of the essay.

A firm essay conclusion should give a quick outline and evidence to prove or disapprove your research. People write great essays that end up weakened by an irrelevant conclusion. Let your next essay stand out by avoiding the usual mistakes.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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